
A Workout to Help You Get Unstuck

Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

Meet erin


The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

When I got my book deal with Hay House Publishing, I was beyond thrilled.

Started by, Louise Hay, the mother of all affirmations, Hay House has been responsible for books written by the beloved Wayne Dyer, Christiane Northrup, Marianne Williamson, and my friend, Kris Carr.

BUT, I have a confession.

It was a long road to get this book out into the right hands.

It took me 2 years just to get the proposal right.

I slogged through it.

I resisted writing.

I busied myself with other things, knowing this one was important. Isn’t it crazy how we do that?

I felt stuck much of the time while working on it.

But then at some point, I gained clarity.

I had a breakthrough.

Once that happened, the deal actually came together in a matter of weeks and was completely smooth sailing from there.

You could say it was an overnight success.  But you and I both know, success takes countless hours of showing up again and again.  Even when we feel stuck.

So to that I say, sometimes timing is everything!

Here’s my big takeaway:

Sometimes ya gotta just keep pluggin’ away.

In Mantras in Motion, I dive deeper into my philosophy on movement, mantras and mindfulness and the power these elements have to transform your entire life when used together.

In the meantime, let’s get YOU unstuck with some movement.

The thing is, sometimes we just don’t feel like doing ‘it.’

Whatever ‘it’ is. (Like me writing my book proposal.)

Maybe we are not super pumped about anything. Or we are having a hard time finding our groove.

I find that moving during this time, just to get the energy flowing is good. SO…

I made you a short, 5 minute movement video, that you can do from wherever you are!

Here is what a member had to say:

“Just finished!! This is exactly what I needed! I felt so blah. I’ll be doing this again later to keep energy flowing. Thank you for doing these! They make a big difference.” -Marcia

Who is going to try it? Do it right now!

And if you decide you want more of these, we have a whole bunch of 5 minute workouts inside The Movement and so much more!  Sign up for the 7-day free trial and check it out!



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  1. Tarisa M Tugun says:

    Happy birthday to you! Thanks so much for sharing! The timing was so perfect…I was hitting snooze for the 10th time, feeling stuck in bed when I saw your email. Now I feel alive and vibrant! Thank you thank you, much love beautiful spirit!

  2. Djodi says:

    Definitely got me going. Boy did I need that. In the office. Thank goodness I can close my door.

  3. elizabeth says:

    Not only am I energized, I feel like I just got a shot of feel good energy – what a wonderful start to the day! Thank you!

  4. Kala Stuckless says:

    I woke up feeling stuck this morning and having negative thoughts, I received your email about this workout, I did it and it was exactly what I needed. Thank you Erin!! I am feeling great after this five minute work-out, I feel energized and my heart chakra seems to have opened up with all those arm movements.

    Thank you for sharing this with us. Happy Birthday 🙂

  5. Helen says:

    great way to start the morning

  6. Tracy says:

    Just what I needed to lift my spirit today.

  7. Alison says:

    Today is my birthday too! Thank you for the gift and happy birthday to you!

    • Sarita Davis says:

      I felt stuck but now I feel unstuck! By doing this workout mantra, I feel so good and energized! Happy Birthday and enjoy your special day!🎉🎂🎁💝💐

  8. Barbara says:

    Goodmorning and Happy birthday to you! Just finished the workout and i already know if will change my whole day ! I
    Was ready to go back to bed and now i am fully energized and ready for an exciting day ! Think i will just start all my mornings like this ! Love ❤️, barbara

  9. Sarita Davis says:

    I was feeling stuck but now I feel unstuck, thanks to this new workout mantra! I feel so good and energized this came at the right timing! Happy Birthday Enjoy your special day!🎉🎁🎈🎂💝💐

  10. Denise says:

    Wonderful!! Thank you so very much!!

  11. Pk says:

    HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY ERIN!!! Thank you for all you do ! I just returned from the taking action soul scroll to find this in my inbox! Did it and really feel a lot of movement. Mentally and physically. A definite shift. Congratulations on all your good news ! So well-deserved. Enjoy your special day – celebrating you!

  12. Sofia says:

    Happy Birthday!! Thank you so much for sharing this video. There’s something so magical about your exercises. They are so effective but gentle at the same time. Everytime when I feel really tired and stuck with stiff muscles, your workouts are the only form of exercise I feel like doing because they don’t only affect the body but the mind as well. And I always feel good after them. Sometimes after a workout you feel exhausted but after yours I only feel better. And I definitely love these short videos! Thank you for the amazing job that you do!

  13. Happy Birthday 🎉! Thank you for the reminder how fun your five minute workouts are! Ready to log in and do a few more!

  14. Linda says:

    Have the Happiest of BIRTHDAYS!! Congratulations on all that you have accomplished and blessings to continue to do so!! I have been following you for years I am so inspired by you–your mantras/workouts, beauty(inside and out!) your kindness and your generosity!!XXOO Linda 💗

  15. Brandi Flittner says:

    Soooo beautiful, Erin!!! Thank you for sharing this!! Love it!!

  16. Eliezra says:

    Wow! Just what I needed today… watch out world here I come!

  17. Lori says:

    Wow that was fantastic – so opening, clearing, energizing not to mention a great way to start the day!! Thanks so much Erin. One of your best!! Welcome more. Have a wonderful Birthday!!

  18. Leann says:

    I do feel better. Thanks! And, happy birthday!!

  19. Debbie says:

    Thank you thank thank you for showing up in my inbox this morning with this workout. Feeling energized, oxygenated, and grateful!

  20. Jaime says:

    That felt amazing !! I feel free!! By body was so stiff and now it’s free!!!
    And now it’s free!!! Thank you , thank you😘👌🏻👍🏻

  21. Mj Kress says:

    Happy birthday, dear Erin! May your day be joyful and your year blessed!

  22. Hey. That was a great workout. Thank you! I missed the affirmations I’ve seen in other videos, though. I really enjoy pairing the movement with affirmations. In your email you asked if people would like more videos like this, and, yes, I would love them!

  23. Rosa says:

    Happy Birthday! Thank you for the gift! I took some of that really easy because I’m coming off of a big neck spasm where my neck was literally stuck:) It was an excellent set of movements for feeling out that area and bringing the blood flow back in. Thank you so much for sharing it!

  24. Venetia Makshanoff says:

    Loved the movement!! Thank you… I’ve needed something low impact to get moving.

  25. Lori says:

    Happy Birthday Erin! Thank you so much for sharing with us. I love your workouts and the five minute ones are great to do during my lunch break at work. I have been feeling stuck lately and feel much better after this workout!

  26. kate says:

    Happy Birthday! Thanks for the gift to us. It was energizing and joyful.

  27. Susan says:

    Thank you! Perfect! and happy happy birthday!!

  28. Happy birthday, Erin! I adore this video and will be bookmarking it for the future. Is there a way to make it fullscreen, though? I’d love to not quint to see you while I’m doing it… 🙂

    And congrats again on Hay House!!!

  29. Kevin Decoteau says:

    Happy,Happy birthday Erin,
    You have been an inspiration to me for a while now, since before the Boston marathon!
    You are a beautiful soul and a guiding light, bringing us home. Thank you my friend for reminding all of us in this family.

  30. Linda Annear says:

    Happy Birthday Erin Mine is the 3rd. Loved the 5 minute video.
    Really got the blood flowing and heart pumping.
    Thanks. Linda

  31. Martha says:

    Erin, you’re seriously the BEST!!! I needed this more than air itself this morning!! I’m venturing to finally put 20 years worth of music into a cd and to say that I feel daunted is the understatement of the century. SO many tears flowed from doing this with you, and with those tears flowed the courage and energy and love to keep moving forward! Please don’t ever ever ever take it down (pretty please), I’m gonna be using it every morning before I start my work! 🙂 Wishing I could give you the biggest birthday hug of all time!!!

  32. Jessica says:

    Thank you so much for this! Perfect timing and I’m so inspired and centered now! Huge love and magic!

  33. Kuru says:

    Thanks for the reminder of how valuable 5 minutes can be. And fun too! Happy bday!

  34. JoJo says:

    Serendipitous timing as usual Erin. I cried, I smiled, I feel like I’m centred, energised and looking forward at what I truly desire. Thankyou!

  35. Jessica G. says:

    I did this right before going to work on my writing project for the day. I can totally relate to the resistance that comes up like you said. Now I feel like I just got some new energy and a big a breath of fresh air. I am ready to dive in! Thanks for all your amazing workouts!

  36. Sherry S. says:

    Happy Birthday, Erin! 🙂 Thank you for all that you do, all the positive workouts and warm energetic encouragement that lifts us up. <3

  37. Cathy says:

    Erin, this seemed to be exactly what I needed. I did it as a warm up for my more intense workout and unexpectedly cried……something must have been stuck indeed :), so I set the intention to keep letting whatever loosened up to keep moving when I did my next workout. Thank you beautiful one!!!

  38. Colleen Moss says:

    Luved the 5 min. movement workout Erin! Just what I needed after a long work day! The Energy is flowing! Happy Birthday to you!

  39. Karla says:

    Happy Birthday! Thank you for the session, it was exactly what I needed to hear and do. Wishing you a blessed day. 🙂

  40. Andrea says:

    Happy Birthday! I felt my ‘stuck’ energy move. Thank you for this workout! Needed it today! 🙂

  41. Amanda says:

    Thank you for this! I felt like I was done with my day and now I am read energized and ready to tackle the next thing. Happy birthday!

  42. Jill says:

    Thankyou Erin feel energised and Happy Birthday. Have a great day you are such a blessing and may they return to you over and over every day
    Love the short workout and especially the ones with positive affirmations ❣️Jill

  43. barbara says:

    Wonderful and just what I needed. I’m in a tough time in my life – muddling through an ugly divorce. A five minute do anywhere workout is a great way to keep my spirits healthy.

  44. Ellen says:

    First of all, Happy Birthday!
    I LOVE your workouts. These five minute ones are simply wonderful. As my sandwich generation takes care of both our kids and elderly parents- you have no idea of what 5 minutes of movement, and time dedicated to myself can do.. I am on my 3rd hospital visit this year- so, Icdrop off the kids and then go to the hospital for the day . Then pick up the kids, do supper, etc.
    Do you know that I do your 5 minute workouts, when i can,in the family room? I go to get ice, take five minutes and continue on with the day.I think I am going to start these at night, It is the best way to clear my head.
    Thank you so much.

  45. Kayla says:

    Happy Birthday Erin! Thank you so much for this workout – it was exactly what I needed! Feeling unstuck and ready to move forward! Thank you very much! 😀

  46. Bridget says:

    Beautiful. You, your energy and inspiration, and that song. Please tell us the title and artist!

  47. Whitney says:

    Thank you for this gift. Got the energy in my body moving–needed this! Many thanks, and wishing you a Happy Birthday!

  48. Thank you!!!! This was exactly what I needed tonight. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! =D

  49. Robin Waters says:

    It was beautiful Erin! I forgot what it felt like to open and contract like that.
    Thank you for sharing your birthday and the gift of you with us. You are such a joy! xoxo

  50. Jahanavi says:

    Happy birthday, Erin. Great! Thank you so much. 5 minutes is just right for no excuses!

  51. Melissa says:

    That was awesome- exactly what I needed tonight to get me into motion. Thank you!!!

  52. Nora Zaki says:

    Yes ! Please keep this up

  53. Renee says:

    Happy Birthday Week! 🌼 That was so awesome! Thanks for bringing me joy. I feel like I have physically made space in my life in just a few short minutes.

  54. Marj says:

    Love it! I’m in my early 70s and, while I walk a lot, I sometimes forget to do more vigorous moves like this. Thanks!

  55. Jessi says:

    I SO needed this. I found myself smiling the whole second half. I was in a crappy state five minutes earlier. I feel lighter, better, thank you!

  56. Marie Odom says:

    Erin, I am a 75 year old woman with many health challenges, but I did try your 5 opening exercise and did what I could. I enjoyed it even with the limitations my body places on me. Thanks for sharing these with me. I will try to work on the free 5 minute exercises you shared. Yes, I did consult my doctor about exercise, and he is encouraging me in it!

  57. Marcia says:

    Happy belated Birthday! Loved the workout. I’m feeling energized. Thank you!

  58. Aleksandra says:

    Hi! Happy birthday!!!
    Thank you for this – I keep checking my e-mail a day later (or two..), so it is a late afternoon, I just got up and did it! Felt great, and much needed. It is only five minutes but I felt activated and refreshed.
    Thank you again!

  59. olive says:

    Thank you for your birthday gift to us. It’s amazing that 5 minutes is all it takes to move
    the blah energies. Much appreciation!

  60. Tracy says:

    Happy belated Birthday to you, Erin! I rarely do aerobic activity like this. The most I do is walking, but today I missed the walking. I got to do this instead and loved it! I’ll be doing it lots more. Thank you!

  61. bella says:

    energizing as you promised.
    Thank you for sharing this.

    Hope your birthday was great.

  62. Eugenia says:

    I loved it, I loved it, I loved it!!!!! Sometimes you just need some nice movements to keep the energy moving. This workout can be done at the office, in the morning before leaving to work, when you get home at night… everywhere.
    Also it made me feel connected to my body, helped to loose control of my mind and felt the movements were kind of sensual, so helped me to feel more sexy. Girl, this is a winner!!!
    Thank you Erin for this beautiful workout, keep them coming 🙂

  63. Vikki says:

    It’s amazing what just 5 minutes can do! Thank you Erin for gifting us on your birthday – hope it was wonderful! And a big congratulations on your book deal!! Hay House is one of my favorites as well. Can’t wait till it’s released! Many blessings to you 💜

  64. Heidi Lew says:

    Lovely, TY

  65. Luize says:

    Thank you for this! I really needed that. The tingles of relaxation afterwards are awesome 🙂

  66. Carla says:

    That felt wonderful. Thank you!

  67. Barbara Spikes says:

    Nice energy to this. I will use it again. Thanks!

  68. Bonnie Naiditch says:

    Happy Birthday and thanks for the gift. Really love this, Erin. Bought your shrink session last year and would really be happy if I could add this workout to it. Can you post a link so we can download? Looking forward to the release of your book.

  69. Becky says:

    Thank you, Erin

  70. CS says:

    Belated Happy Birthday Erin – mazel too and many happy, meaningful years.

    Just cleaning out my emails and discovered this little treasure! Thanks for getting me moving and off my butt. Feeling the energy flow was awesome!

  71. Jane Parmenter says:

    Hi Erin, Thank you so much. I hadn’t had a chance to check the workout out but did it today just after doing one of other workouts. I’ve been going through some stress and had actually been feeling really sad and stuck. This brought me such relief that I had tears in my eyes after doing it. I’ll do it again later. Much love to you!

  72. Sofia says:

    Happy birthday dear Erin! <3
    Thank you for your gift and for your great work! It has always been inspiring and helpful to me. This one came exactly the right time!!! I just finished it and feel energized!
    Thank you

  73. Nicole Jacobson says:

    That was fantastic! Just what I needed this Monday morning! Thank you for providing us such inspiring words and movements. All of your videos are great! I love the shorter 5-20 minute ones!!

  74. Ren says:

    Thank you for this Erin.👍
    As always your blogs always seemed tuned in to what I need at that moment. I Know what I need to do but can’t get motivated (blah!)

    Hope you had a great Birthday

  75. Ruthie Selch says:

    Good stretching exercise that just about anyone could do.

  76. Jemma says:

    Just completed this great workout, gosh I needed that!
    Can feel the heart beating, blood pumping and muscles engaged!

    It has 100% lifted my energy and helped me feel more alive.

    I live in Melbourne and the weather has just turned to winter, I am struggling with the cold and the evenings becoming dark so early.
    I did this work out as soon as I got home and I am so glad I did!

    Thanks Erin- you rock 😉
    P.s – happy belated bday.

  77. Alina says:

    Loved the part where you said take up space. So need to hear that! It’s a good reminder to remember I can live a big life. Thank you!

  78. Allyn says:

    Thank you, Erin!
    Just want to thank you for this little energy clearing session. I’ve added it to my morning routine after meditation and love ❤️ it!! Thank you for sharing your honesty!!! And now, Blessings on the little growing life inside you🤗

  79. I had this flagged for a few and just did it now. I’ve apparently been stuck, thus the procrastination. wink. It was amazing and felt so good. Thank you babe!! Needed this big time. xoxo

  80. Absolutely love it! It gets the energy flowing, improves the mood and puts positive thoughts to my head.Beautiful. Thank you ,Erin! Xx

  81. Morgan says:

    I love this Get Unstuck workout! Thank you so much, Erin!!!

  82. Elisabeth says:


  83. Tamara Jarosch says:

    Happy Birthday listening to your book right now love it

  84. Joy Tracy Markwell says:

    Great and gentle warm up and shake out when I didn’t want to move at all! 🙏

  85. Joy Tracy Markwell says:

    ….. gentle warm up and shake out when I didn’t want to move at all! 🙏

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