The 3 Daily Wins You Need To Feel Good

In a few weeks, I’m sharing something that I’ve wanted to do for a LONG time, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox!

In the meantime, my daughter is off and running into the school year (kindergarten, what!?) and in case you missed my last email, we have a new baby coming around Thanksgiving.

(I’ve decided I’m rockin my bump out this time around!;)

With a new season of both life and nature approaching, I’ve learned I need to do 3 simple things everyday.

When I do them, I continually feel energized AND calm in my mind and body even with all the changes swirling about.

And they are simple things that you can incorporate into your day, too, Friend!

In fact, studies show that we feel more satisfied, happy and as though our lives are moving in a positive, upward direction, when we get these 3 solid WINS a day.

Just 3! And they are easy to achieve.

To learn the 3 most important wins you need each day, check out this quick video I made for you.

I share all of them along with some quick examples.

And while they may not happen every single day, imagine if this was the bar we set for ourselves.

Of course, we will get other things done and a variety of wins will come our way regardless, but imagine if THIS was the bar we set for ourselves?! Hello, major mental and emotional boost!

Then, after you watch, leave a comment on the post and let me know the 3 daily wins you are going for today!

Acknowledging them and writing them down will help lock them in. This way, you are more likely to remember to make sure you are getting these 3 wins on a daily basis.

I can’t wait to hear from you!



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Hey Gorgeous, You'll Love these too!