Personal Growth and Wellness

Stop It. Just Stop It.

Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

Meet erin


The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

“If we can penetrate the present, we can be more pro-creative with what’s next. When we can clearly see the now – as the hologram that it is, we step into to our Godliness.” –Danielle Laporte

There are times when you feel stuck.
I say stop trying to move.

There are times when you feel afraid.
I say let that sensation tickle your organs before trying to push it out.

There are times when you feel nothing is coming your way.
I say being a moving target makes it difficult for IT to find YOU.  Be still.

There are times when you feel blocked, broken, and down right bitchy.
I say put on your favorite fuck it pants and have a dance party with it all.

There times when the sun doesn’t shine for days on end inside or out.
Then I say dive into the deep dark ocean, go for swim, be with the world down there and don’t come up until you are good and ready. Life is happenin’ at the bottom of the ocean.

Life is Beckoning you. Calling out your name. Wanting you, right now.

As you are.

It’s not waiting for you to be unstuck, be good enough, inspired enough, ok enough, or unbroken.

It longs to grab hold of  you Today, Now and dance, dance, dance.

This is your moment.

If “stopping” ever propelled you forward at break neck speed, let a sista know by leaving a comment below.


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  1. Jean says:

    Chere Erin~I love this…
    ‘being a moving target makes it difficult for IT to find YOU’

    And, this…

    ‘dive into the deep dark ocean, go for swim, be with the world down there and don’t come up until you are good and ready. Life is happenin’ at the bottom of the ocean.’

    Great post, Sistah…You’re my inspiration for the day

  2. Erin says:

    Thanks Jean! Big hugs and kisses to you.

  3. cc says:

    Erin! Love this post. It’s what is UP right now!
    There is no ‘stuck’ even though that’s what I was calling myself for the last week or so. No more! Thank you for reminding me that Life is Beckoning…. so DANCE!!!

  4. Karie says:

    BEAUTIFULLY written! So powerful. Were you living in my house this week? This post spoke so loudly to me. I was pushing so hard and had to just STOP. I know other people are going to connnect with your words. I love it, Erin.


  5. amanda says:

    well said. it wasn’t until i dove in, forgave and made myself connect with the people i work with, instead of feeling resentful and stuck, that i finally realized i can sculpt the life i want and need with what i have now. and if this “job” doesn’t move with me, i will be okay.

  6. Jen says:

    yep! yep! yep!

    always true. had one early lesson in this when i was looking for a new job back in 2000. i was laying in bed on a beautiful saturday am with the sun shining through. i looked up and just prayed, “okay, not going anywhere until i hear from you!” laid there for maybe 20 minutes and what i “heard” was that the pressure, exhaustion and anguish was about me applying pressure, stirring things up, needing to move, it was all self-inflicted…i immediately felt calm all over and recognized that i could surrender and trust. i should try that every morning. 🙂

    • Erin says:

      I love that you sat still until you heard what to do. Sometimes it is just that. And then we can proceed. Other times we know exactly what to do. Its all about staying in the downstream flow, whatever that may be:)

  7. So deep and a great reminder to just party with your emotions instead of suppress. I absolutely loved the ocean paragraph! YES life is happening at the bottom 🙂

    See you down there!!


  8. Donna Rybak says:

    Erin, loved the paragraph about the moving target and becoming still…which simply means we need to “shut up” sometimes so the universe can have its turn and respond to us…brilliant!

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