The video below is special just for you. I’m talkin’ about the theme for the month of MAY. (did you know I switch the theme up every month?)
If you ever find yourself comparing yourself to others, than let me tell you… YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE.
Just kidding. Hardly. It seems to be a common topic of conversation with many of my clients and students. So click on the vid below and find out how to remedy your GREEN EYED MONSTER. And stick around til the end, cause I bust out some silly moves.
As usual, if you dig what you see or have some fancy ways to Stay in YOUR own LANE, leave a comment below.
Mad love,
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
More videos please, especially ones that mention Australia!
Thanks V!! Yes, especially Australian swimmers. Yum!:)
Thank you! EXACTLY what I needed to hear today! (My best friend just sold her apartment for 2.6 million. Nope, not in my own lane this morning, not even a little bit.) Thank you for getting me back on track!!!
Yeah girl. YOUR lane is gorgeous, bright and full of unique opportunities waiting just for YOU:)
Erin, I love your video!! Insightful, funny, succinct, and helpful. Thank you. XO LB
Thanks LB. I love you. xo
Super Fun and Forever Poignant!
first of all, that was hi-LAAAR-ious! luh-uh-UHVD it! more, more, MOHR!!!!
BP! So glad you check it out and thanks for commenting! More coming for sure!! xo
Great video. Great theme for the month. Thanks for reminding all of us to focus and dont give away your energy to others.Bravo chica. And dance break is brilliant.LOL
Always gotta have a dance break Ms. Walker. You are someone who I believe is exceptional at staying in their own lane. So Bravo to you!
Brava, Erin! We all play the ‘compare and despair’ game and it gets us nothing and nowhere. What a funny and charming display of this syndrome. Thanks. When I get into this mode, I think about what I enjoy about my work, review that moment when all the rockets were firing and/or I just get up and MOVE! Makes me forget whatever I was drowning in. You know what I mean, don’t you?!!!
I absolutely do. It’s my favorite thing in the world when all my rockets are firing. I totally hear you!! Thanks Michelle!!
Damn girl, I love this video! You’re awesome on camera, more please!
Oh, and yes to the facebook thing. ๐ We’re social creatures, and it’s easy to compare.
Thanks Nath. So sweet:) More coming for sure!
LOVE.IT. More, more, more please and thank you!
Thanks Dar:) More on their way!! Hope u r fab!
Gratitude lists are a great way of smashing the green-eyed monster. Starting the list of ten things I am grateful for today is harder some days than others. But once I get rolling, I feel uplifted. I see beauty in some smaller details when I’m pressed to come up with ten things to be grateful for. Erin’s IntenSati Creative Workshop got me started doing gratitude lists, and it’s a practice I’ve taken with me, long after the workshop ended. THANK YOU! I’m grateful for this video and look forward to more.
So glad you still enjoy a good gratitude list. That IS a powerful thing to bring your back to your own lane indeed. xoxo, Mich!
Good stuff Erin!
Thanks CP!
I love margaritas and if the Australia swimmer was fun, I would probably swim in his lane for bit.
Love the vid. I think it’s so important to spread the message that just being you is the only way to be. Go on with your bad self, Erin!
I. Love. You.
YAAAAY! I wanna dance with you.
I totally agree about all of this- it’s a waste of energy to worry about other people! Of COURSE i’ve done the facebook comparison thing, but I’ve been trying to remember that everyone has their own part to play. If someone else is experiencing success, I send them happy vibes, and remember that I have my OWN path that will manifest in its own way. In MY friggin lane, bitch!
Yes girl! You have your own beautiful path indeed! And it’s a glorious one. Miss u mama! Xo
You are the and I love this and you!
6 margarita hangover!!! OUCH!!
I love this Erin, LOVE!
And I feel this message big time. With my big move to NYC people are asking me “Are you going to be the next Jillian?” “The next Bethenny”…NO mother-effers, I’m going to be the first Liz DiAlto, and I’m constantly working on what that means. And you’re right-love social media, but it’s also constantly shoving in your face that people are “ahead” of you. I’m right where I’m supposed to be and I think that’s GREAT ๐ xoxo
LOVE this video Erin! And such an awesome point. I hate comparing and try my best to never do it. When someone says to me, “Oh, you do that just like so-and-so…” I say, “NO, I do it just like ME!” As for the green eyed monster, I stick to the mantra that NO ONE is as impressive as they seem. They are all just people too! They’ve got their negativity, failures and insecurities too! xo
Bust a move, girl! Love the video and look forward to seeing more of you on film…and in person next week! Yay!
OMG, Erin thank you!!!! Not sure if the six rita hangover was a reference to me because that’s what I did yesterday on Cinco de Mayo, but either way it really hit home. Thanks for sharing!!! I will get my butt to one of your classes ASAP:)!!!!
Yes Anna! Would love to have you in class soooooon! xo
This was awesome Erin – you obviously need to be doing a LOT more videos! So true – when I feel like crap I totally get caught up checking out what other people are doing and it makes me feel even worse. Got to remember to keep my goggles on! Can’t wait for the next video.
LOVE THE NEW VID! Totally agree with the sentiment – staying in our lane makes us more focussed and mindful of what we really want to do. My googles are on!
I learned it the hard way (as I so often do)!
We are NEVER in competition with anyone but OURSELVES, and forgetting that rule was how I hurt myself last year & had to drop out for a while.
It was in 30โ 60โ 90 class, & some guy in the row behind me was a fitness model… & I, who am NOT a fitness model, began to COMPARE myself with him… & found myself lacking. So I decided to COMPETE… big mistake.
I threw down my appropriate weights & picked up some that were too big, & competed myself right into Hernia City… & why? Who was I trying to impress? The competition was all in MY MIND.
Now I know, keep my focus on my OWN progress, not just on the gym floor, but in Life.
& I realize how unattractive (& uncomfortable it feels) when someone competes with ME.
Nobody is ever gonna do ME as well as ME; and I am always gonna come up sort trying to be anyone else.
We are all on our own paths, working through our own story arcs… & that’s what makes GOOD SOAP!
Thank you,ย Erin!
LOVED this Erin! Thank you for your honest and creative wit and humor and for striking a chord within me that needed to be struck today! xoxo
HILARIOUS!!! What an amazing video.
I think about myself as a horse with those side blinders on. Gotta focus and move forward.
Loved the video! Poised and funny! I’m excited to soon join your universe… !
Thank you thank you! A great focus for the month indeed. Over the weekend I stayed observant of when I veered, peered, and jeered into someone else’s lane. It happened way too often. Starting to build tools to snap out of it (or back into MY lane) and thanks to YOU and intenSati, I feel I have a good bag of tricks to bring me back: being present, deep breaths, and of course, gratitude listing.
I just watched your video from a link of my sister’s on facebook. I could not agree more with your video. Thanks so much for sharing.. Look forward to more!!! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for watching Rochelle! Be sure to sign up at the top right hand corner, so don’t have to use your sisters facebook page for inspiration. You can have your very own, right to your inbox:)
Thanks for the comment love. Right back atcha!:)
This video is both an awesome message and totally friggin’ adorable!
I totally am guilty of getting comparison hangovers via Facebook. your dance at the end made my day!
your so funny i love watching your videos.