Personal Growth and Wellness

Your Word For the Year

Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

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The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

My word for 2018 was NOURISH.

I had just given birth to a baby girl at the end of 2017, and I wanted something to anchor me into my new role of motherhood, my own self care and care for my new daughter.

I would check in with this word regularly asking myself in what ways have I been nourishing to myself that day or that week. I also asked myself, “Are there ways in which I have not been nourishing to myself?”

The word helped me embody what it felt like to be nourishing in all aspects of my life. As such, it helped make for a very sweet year of cocooning and growing into a new role.

Time to choose a word

And now, as a new year has come, it’s time to choose a new word.

Have you thought about having a word to help anchor you into what this year will be for you?

What would your days look like if you lived and breathed this word every day?

What actions could you take to amplify this word in your life?

Perhaps there are things you’re doing right now that show you’re already starting to live this word out.

I usually take the first two weeks of the year to come up with my word, so I am still working on it.

I do know for sure that it is about forging a very clear, clean simple path forward. In fact, I have already started paring things down tremendously, from the clothes I wear, to the “things” I keep.

Less, less, less.

I want less stuff, less pressure, less rushing. More presence. More laughter. More joy.

Once I choose my word, I’ll start to see how it feels in my body.

I will literally go for a walk with my word and see if it resonates.

I believe that movement in your body creates movement in your life.

The best way to connect with your heart, your feelings, your intentions is through the body.

If you’re looking for help choosing your word, getting clear on your intentions and moving into a state of confidence and power, I can help.

In Mantras In Motion: Manifesting What You Want Through Mindful Movement, I not only help you get clear on your desire and your direction, but I help you create a clear and simple path to get there.

And of course, I will show you how to embody your desires and the beliefs you need to support them.

What if this year, you could plant uplifting thoughts in your mind so there was no room for negative ones to exist?

What if you could manifest what you wanted, easily and effortlessly?

What if you could finally feel good in your mind, your heart and your body because you are finally taking care of all of you, at once?

I hope you will join me on the journey.  

Mantras in Motion is available now and I have a lot of bonus goodies for you, including a special Manifesting Video Workshop that will help you pick what you will focus on this year.

We also have a book club for everyone who buys the book, so you won’t have to go through it alone!

Come over to check it out.

I hope to join you on your journey in 2019.

Here’s to a happy and healthy, sweet new year.


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