I was putting it off and putting it off.
No matter how many times I looked at that task, I couldn’t bring myself to it.
I was meant to reach out to a few specific people for support around my book. Yup, real simple. Just ask them if they would be willing to share my book with their audiences.
But truth be told, I was scared.
I didn’t want to face rejection.
So, I would assign myself the task, and at the end of each day, after I still hadn’t done it, I would re-assign it to myself for the next day.
The next day would come, I STILL wouldn’t do it, so I would re-assign it to myself for the next day after that.
I’m embarrassed to say, this went on for weeks.
I even talked to my team members about why I wasn’t doing it and kept promising it would happen.
But, I was completely stuck on this one action item.
Have you ever experienced this?
You just keep putting something off, and every day you don’t do it, you feel just a little bit worse?
You know you need to take this action, but your fear is getting in the way.
You want to know what’s interesting?
If you can freaking believe it, I have an entire chapter in my book, Mantras In Motion, about taking Inspired Action in the face of fear!
How was I not even following my own advice?
Oh right, fear. That word again.
I decided it was time for mama to take revisit her own valuable lessons.
So this past week, when I was asked to come on to Hay House’s FB page to do a live broadcast, I decided to title the talk: How To Take Inspired Action Every Day
I desperately needed to reconnect to what Inspired Action IS and what it IS NOT.
I needed to relearn how to take Inspired Action even when afraid, even when you don’t feel like it, and even if you don’t know what will happen after taking it.
If you are feeling stuck on a particular action item that you KNOW you need to take, I invite you to come on over and watch the broadcast.
Inspired Action is not always what you think it is.
Sometimes you need to break something down into tiny steps to see that the scariest part of the action will only action take a few moments.
And we all can muster up a few moments of insane courage.
Watch the talk.
It’s juicy.
I think it will fire you up.
I know it fired me up.
Because guess what?
The next day, I reached out to every single person on my list.
But I felt like a total rockstar for doing it. And once I reached out to the big one, the others were easy. I just needed to get over the hump.
I have a few tricks to help you get over your own hump.
So come on over and watch the talk. It might just move you right into action.
After you watch it, I want you to leave me a comment below, tell me your action item. Tell me how long it will take you to do. And then, tell me when you plan to do it. I will pick a few of you and follow up, so if you want some accountability, this is your chance!
Who’s ready to take action?
With love,
P.S. A few of you have emailed me wondering how you get your the bonuses once you pre-ordered the book. If you haven’t done it yet, please follow these directions.
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Good one!
Just faced my own fears last week about getting started on a business idea I’ve had since forever but was feeling quite challenged by the ‘advancements in technology’…that thought of “little, old me against the world?! How?!”
I still feel the uncertainty, but I’m going ahead anyway. Time won’t wait for me whether I do or I don’t & I’ll still be plagued by the thoughts, so i might as well do it.
January 2019 I’m getting the relevant training I need real quick (already researching that) & then I’m jumping in. Ready, Fire, Aim! I’ll adjust, get better & increase as I go on.
p.s. the video didn’t show…something about restrictions for my part of the world. Too bad.
You’re amazing, Erin!! I can’t wait to buy this book – congratulations. I appreciate the energy, focus, and dedication you bring to your work. It lifts me up!
Thanks so much Erin!! I loved this and loved the mantra in motion exercise you did with us. Been following you for a long time but this was great for when you just have a few seconds to tune into yourself. xx
I will email my husband’s best friend who knows a lot about non-profits and make that phone date that she said she would be happy to do, to ask her how to start a non-profit
I LOVE this Erin! Thank you for sharing! It was super helpful AND I SO needed to hear this as I’ve been totally resisting getting my emails out! Congratulations on the book! I’m excited to share it!