Last week I told you I was working on a few elusive new projects. I say elusive because the nature of the projects is still being revealed to me. I am in hot pursuit.
I also mentioned that now and again I would take you on the discovery journey as a way to de-mystify the creative process while also hoping to inspire you to hit your own creative playground.
Today, I want to share one of my most powerful and well, I must say Magical tools that help me find answers, direction and clarity.
To best share that tool, let me put it in a story, yes?
The other night around 10:30pm I headed out to the local Duane Reade (drugstore) to pick up a few items. As I left the store, I was struck by the smell of soon to be summer rain. I know some people hate humid nights, but I live for them. If I could bottle that scent up and put it in this post, I would.
Instead of going back to my apartment, I decided to head out for a late night Soul Stroll.
What is a Soul Stroll you ask?
A Soul Stroll is walk with no definitive direction, no set time frame and no destination.
(I also suggest that you avoid checking emails, texting or chatting with your mom during this sacred walk. Sorry mom.)
There is only one intention of a SOUL STROLL and that is to CONNECT.
When I say connect, it can mean to Yourself, your Soul, God, the Universe, Life. You name it and it is yours to connect to.
During my Soul Strolls, I like to have a little chat with the All That IS. My inner dialogue usually goes something like this,
“Hey, I know you won’t stay silent, so I am here to listen. Whatcha got for me? Is there something you would like me to know? What would you like me to teach? Is there a lesson you like me to share?”
I allow myself to move into a deeper state where I am not really thinking, just being. It’s also important to mention that I let myself go in whatever direction my soles want to carry me.
One of the projects that has been on my mind is my signature course, Magical Manifesters.
I have had the privelege of sharing it with over 250 people in the last year and half and several more in the live version. (I’m not sellin’ anything here, just want to give you a behind the scenes scoop.)
Because I now feel deeper in tune with the needs and challenges of all these lovely souls and know there are many more souls who can benefit from the work, I felt taking Magical Manifesters to another level might be the thing to do.
With that, I wasn’t certain this is the right time to be working on it.
So I began to further my inner dialogue, “I would love to talk about Magical Manifesters. Is this the project I should work on right now? I feel like I could expand it, but there are so many OTHER wonderful things to work on. Is this the one I should focus on?”
I kept walking when something in me told me to turn right at the next corner, head up the avenue and take another right on the next block.
I even had a moment of, “That’s a dumb way to go, you’re making a circle, Erin.” But I ignored that voice because the Soul Stroll is all about letting your soles do the work.
Just as I turned down the street, pondering these questions, I looked down and right at my feet, I seriously could NOT believe what I saw.
I stopped in my tracks and am pretty certain I literally laughed out loud.
On a slab of new concrete was THIS graffiti like stamp.
“You’re kidding, right? Are ya tryin’ to tell me something? Me thinks you are. Thanks for the guidance. I suppose, yes, this is the right project.”
I am indeed In Pursuit of Magic.
I stood there and just took in the moment. I NEVER cease to be tickled by these little signs.
This is EXACTLY what the Soul Stroll has the power to produce.
When you set out with the RIGHT questions and open yourself up for answers, you WILL always receive divine winks that remind you you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be and YES, you are on the right path.
You should know, I am not the only one to take Soul Strolls to get answers to my most burning questions.
My friend’s writing partner Allen Loeb, who is responsible for movie scripts like Rock of Ages, 21 and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, takes 3 hour Soul Strolls to work out story lines.
French composer, Eric Satie, would go for long walks to find and compose melodies in his head.
“If you seek creative ideas go walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.” -Raymond I. Myers
So what do you think? Do I see a little Soul Stroll in your future?
Right now, I want to invite you over to the blog by clicking HERE and tell me:
1. Have you ever gotten interesting insights on a Soul Stroll?
2. What is one question you would like answered now and are you willing to take it on a Soul Stroll with you?
As always, lots of good stuff happens over on the blog and I LOVE hearing from you.
Thank you for allowing space for me in your inbox. I know you are a busy bee and I appreciate you from the bottom of my soles.
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
I believe in the MAGIC of the “soul stroll.” Fantastic way to put it Erin. I’m feeling called to one today as I was up late last night and *BING* the idea to begin an online talk show interviewing amazing people in my life who inspire & empower me to fall in love with life, popped up! I get a zillion ideas a week, but usually toss them out because of fear or Just can’t see myself adopting it longterm. But this idea excited me. I even put it out there in a Facebook post asking for feedback from my friends “would you watch” sort of a message. Getting great feedback. So I’m going to give this Idea to my higher self today and ask what would you have me do… is this where you’re guiding me? Getting open for the download!
WOW! loved this post! It resonates with my soul and is spurring me on to take a little stroll. It is the perfect day, a bit overcast with a light breeze. I am in need of a spark to get moving. I haven’t finished up my magical manifesters course, almost like I am afraid to look at it. I am off and on with Shrink, mostly off. I have 6 more weeks totally to myself. No alarm clock, no commitments to keep me from following through with getting out there and doing what I need to do to create a thriving business for myself. So thank you Erin, I’m putting on my “strolling” shoes.
<3 this and love the sign. I have a story I'll have to share with you one day of seeing a "sign" like that… we are right where we need to me and the universe is amazing
“If you seek creative ideas go walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.” -Raymond I. Myers
Love this Erin. Thank you for sharing this today! My heart has been yearning for a soul stroll, but I didn’t realize the intensity of my yearning until I read this.
I’ve taken many soul strolls over the years and the connection is always amazing, just like you say. I remember one time I was worried about paying my bills and the usual money woes. I was listening to one of Louise Hay’s meditations about gratitude and started repeating the mantra of being grateful for all the abundance and prosperity in my life. I looked down at one point and someone had painted all of these dollar bills on the sidewalk. I swear – this is the truth. It was a similar moment to the one you describe, and yes, I think I actually laughed out loud too! I love those “wow this shit works” moments!!
I’ve been trying to push myself out the door today to get out for a soul stroll but have been procrastinating.
I’m feeling a bit anxious, confused, indecisive, fearful – all of the usual roadblocks. Me thinks I need a soul stroll. So I’m lacing up the old sneakers and getting out there, thunderstorms and all.
Thank you for the inspiration.
Love you, PatriciaG
What a great site Erin! My evening “stroll” on the internet brought me to your web site.
I’ve known for some time that I want to help others outside of Boston get fit, lose weight and feel like rock stars, but haven’t quite figured out the symantics. But I’ve given myself a September deadline to figure out what “it” is.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Erin, thank you for reminding us of the magic that exists in real life. Are you familiar with the literary movement called “magical realism”? For anyone who isn’t, it’s a form of largely Latin American storytelling that recognizes the magic and surrealism that exists in every day life and uses those moments to create even more fantastical stories. Gabriel Garcia Marquez is considered the father of this genre. I love how you exemplified that here! Thank you for bringing intellect and thoughtfulness to your messages and missions. I miss taking “soul strolls”…it’s hard to do when your cell phone is burning a hole in your pocket and there’s always something else you feel that you should be doing…
Jenna- Congrats on the new idea. Can’t wait to see what you do with it!
Carol- Sounds like a Soul Stroll is right up your alley:)
Danny J- So true, so true. There are reminders EVERYWHERE.
Patricia- I hope your Soul Stroll was wonderful. When we embrace the rain, it can actually be quite lovely.
Jill- SO nice to meet you! Please stay in touch and let me know if I can be of help in any way!
Courntey- I am not familiar with Magical Realism, but you can bet my fingers are about to do a little google searching on that. Thank you for sharing this. I really appreciate it!
I went on Soul Strolls almost every night last summer in Chicago. It was my favorite time of the day and now some of my fondest memories of my Chicago adventure. I love that you put a name to something I experienced last year. I want to bring Soul Strolls back in my life! You are the coolest! Love you xo
Love you E! This post rocked my day! xo
I’m seriously quite suprised. Just recently read your e-mail (as all the others I’ve gotten from you) and I just cannot be more suprised! EVERY TIME I read your e-mails there are something that clears my mind. It might sound like surreal but every e-mail I’ve gotten has kind of answered me some doubts of the moment.
I love Soul Strolls! and haven’t known (personally) someone who loves them too, so I got really suprised when I read the e-mail. Certainly I think that go walking it’s an awesome way for clearing my mind, having new ideas, getting some conclussions, etc. Actually I’ve gotten some of my most important desicions taken this way and they’ve gone well in fact.
Thanks for the awesome posts, they keep me thinking, trying, smiling and feeling really good! n.n
I have been doing Shrink Session since March of this year–and that apparently makes me a First Generation Shrinker! The 20 minute Soul Stroll was my introduction to Erin’s work, and I was totally hooked by minute 2. I can do absolutely ANYTHING I want that involves motion of some kind, and I come out of it higher than a kite & ready for action. Then I got brave and bought the program–and nearly died. I am 54 and flabby, a walking wannabe with a whiny attitude. I had to modify the exercises, but the affirmations–oh, wow! I was sobbing and releasing and absorbing good stuff even when I just stood there watching Erin rock by herself, encouraging me the whole time. The program blows me away with it’s power, it’s empowering potential, it’s compassion & deep thoughtfulness. I get teary just thinking about it. Worksheets, live calls, incredible support–the whole deal. It’s so good, in fact, that it triggers my deep fear of success. And here’s where the little sessions come in. They’re just-right-sized bites of wonderful. They get me moving enough to make baby steps of progress so I don’t quit. I CAN bring this relationship back from the brink. I DO get a raise AND a promotion. Clients now ask for me specifically when they come to the gallery. I’ve begun laying out some new goals for myself for next year: no more toying with the idea of the new business, I’m going for it! And I am now brave enough to actually use the Shrink program as it’s meant to be used, to accept the empowerment & the support. Thanks, Erin!
I need to go on a soul stroll then