Personal Growth and Wellness

Reduce Stress with this Guided Meditation

Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

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The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

In case you missed my last email, I have hopped aboard the self-care train this month and I am taking you with me!

Keeping in line with my theme for the year of everything being streamlined, straightforward and simple, I have been asking myself, “What can I do to eliminate any extra stress in my life?”

Sure, we have the natural stressors of life, but I know there are things I am doing, ways I am thinking and ways I am not taking care of myself that likely cause me stress.

I’m talking about the kind that steals your sleep, makes you agitated with your partner, short tempered with your kiddos or simply doesn’t allow you to perform at the top of your game.

I officially refuse to be overcome with this kind of stress.

Here’s the harsh reality: if you’re not managing your stress, it is managing you. Did you know that stress is responsible for 90% of all doctor’s visits? 90%!!!

Things like anxiety, depression, insomnia, brain fog and premature aging are all intensified by stress.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Last year, I wrote to you about meditation. I admitted that I was a pretty bad meditator. I just couldn’t do it regularly.

However, since having a baby, it has changed.

I have been meditating almost every day for the past several months!

I know, I can hardly believe it either!

It is helping me manage my stress and roll with the punches of motherhood. And I want to share with you an incredible and beautiful resource to help you manage your stress right now.

She is one of my most favorite meditation teachers around, hands down.

Her work is amazing and her beautiful spirit is even more incredible. I would do whatever she tells me when it comes to meditation.

And she happens to be a dear friend, so lucky us!

Because I asked her to make something special for you, and she did!

My amazing friend and super star meditation teacher, Emily Fletcher just wrote her first book and she is sharing something that I know will have an enormous impact on your life, right now.

It’s called the Stress Less Guided Meditation and it has the power to get you out of overwhelm, more focused and feeling like you can accomplish anything in just a matter of minutes.

That, my friend, is the power of the mind. When we are stressed we play small, when we are relaxed and confident we feel like we can take on the world.

Emily is a world renowned meditation teacher, the founder of Ziva Meditation and has spoken at Google, Harvard Business School, and Barclays Bank. She’s taught 15,000 people including Oscar and Grammy award winners, Fortune 500 CEOs, Navy SEALs, professional athletes and full-time parents.

She’s on a mission to end unnecessary suffering from the world — pretty rad, right?

I highly recommend you take a few moments for yourself and experience this powerful exercise that will move you from overwhelmed to overjoyed in minutes.

Get the Stress Less Guided Meditation here.

It’s perfect to use next time you’re preparing for a big event like a presentation at work, an interview or a first date. (Your Valentine’s Date will be so thankful.)

In addition to the guided meditation, Emily will also send you:

  • Chapter 1 of her debut book Stress Less, Accomplish More including the foreword by Dr. Mark Hyman. If you’ve ever said, “I want to meditate but I don’t have time,” you need to read Chapter 1.
  • A Quickstart Guide to get the most out of this meditation.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Your family, friends and co-workers don’t want you sick, tired and stressed. So take a moment now to rejuvenate your brain and body so you can show up as the most amazing version of you.  

To (so much) less stress,

P.S. Let me know how you feel after you experience it. Folks who are using it have been saying…

  • “The body scan and muscle melting technique made my feelings of anxiety go away in minutes. I felt so grounded after.”
  • “I felt relaxed at first but then it got me so pumped up — like an amazing pep talk.”
  • “By the end I felt like I could do anything!”

Get Emily’s Stress Less Guided Meditation here.

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