Mindset and Motivation

How To Break Down Resistance

Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

Meet erin


The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

“Every sun casts a shadow, and genius’s shadow is Resistance.” -Steven Pressfield

How are you doing with your post shower workout?

In case you missed it 6 pack abs… must take shower is waiting for you below this post. I will have a new workout video for you next week, but wanted to switch things up a bit… 

Because the other day, I was pissed…

I was in a bad ass mood. “A negative thought” about not meeting a deadline got caught in my head and was playing on repeat like a bad Miley Cyrus song. 

While that negative tune is something I prefer not to hum along to, I couldn’t shake it.

So, what did I do? I of course called a good friend… to complain.

For about 10 minutes, I did nothing but complain about where I was with this project and where I would like to be.

Luckily for me, my friend was in the middle of something, couldn’t spare me another minute and dropped me like an AT&T call on an iPhone.

A blessing if there ever was one.

Because after we hung up, I thought… How did that conversation just serve me?

  • Did it make me feel better? No, it did not.
  • Did it quell my thirst and hunger to have what I want? No, it did not. 
  • Did it get me further along or closer to what I want? No. It ABSOLUTELY did not.

Uh-oh. I quickly realized, this “phone call” was my own personal form of RESISTANCE. Resistance from the DOING. Resistance from taking ACTION to move myself along on my own sweet little path.

Are ya pickin’ up what I am puttin’ down?

RESISTANCE, we all have it, comes in many forms. Perhaps you:

  • get pissed
  • get frustrated
  • complain
  • gossip
  • are sad
  • are anxious
  • rebel (if you object to what I am saying right now and do NOT like when people tell you what to do, that rebellion is a from of Resistance.)

How To Break Down Resistance

The beautiful thing is, once we recognize our own personal brand of resistance:

  • we actually don’t need to Jedi mind trick our way out of it.
  • we don’t need to “Om Shanti” our way to perfect peace and bliss.
  • we don’t need to “fix” ourselves into believing.

 We just simply need to:

  • Stop
  • Drop
  • and Recognize (said like, “You betta recognize, son!”)

Stop whatever you are doing, drop it like it’s hot and then Recognize that what you ARE doing is a form of NOT DOING what you know ya need to do.

Laugh at yourself for being silly enough to fall for the old resistance trick. Cause it gotcha ya again.

In addition to a good laugh, here are some other things you can do to break down that brick wall of RESISTANCE:

  • Do 20 jumping jacks.
  • Dance around your room for 10 mins like you own the joint, ’cause you do.
  • Take a long shower.
  • Take a short walk.

Doing something physical is an awesome way to break it down.  When there is movement in your body, their is movement in your life. It’s really that simple.

So, WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL BRAND of resistance?  (My personal fav is, “I could have done that so much better”. Ooooh chile’, when I am resisting something, I will tell you once over and up and down how I could do something, anything better than how it was just done. Oopsie. Resistance.)

Leave a comment in the blog and let’s have a good ole laugh about our own personal brands of resistance. It really is that simple.

Have a great week!

xo Erin

P.S. Some folks asked for the affirmations from this month’s SHRINK SESSION. Here they are:)

I am in the right place at the right time
Everything I need,
Always arrives

I am willing to be guided, I let my heart lead
I trust my intuition, Things come easily to me.

I step out of my own way, love replaces doubt
Life is crazy sexy fun and it’s all working out.

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  1. J says:

    YES and YES!!! Now, however, here’s something that I’d like to know for next week or so: What to do when you are on the receiving end of one of those calls?? Just pretend you have AT&T? I had exactly this on Friday last week – a good friend called me and just poured out all her dissatisfaction with the week and life in general. It all sucked. I hardly got a word in. And then we hung up. I have thought about it for days; how did that call serve her, exactly? I know that for me, it took a good hour or so just reset myself back to normal after the call, and not just agree with the notion that everything sucked. So it was exhausting for me, and not sure it did her any good either..? What are these calls even for? But then again, do you hold it all in….. or just do jumping jacks until you fall down?

    • Erin says:

      Great question! Here are 2 things you can try:

      Tell your friend you love her (and mean it, very important part here) and that you are in the middle of something. If it is still bothering her, you would be happy to talk about it a little later time when you are not working.

      While this sounds like it is putting it off til later, my guess is that it is a knee jerk reaction for most people to reach out and complain the moment they feel a little resistance or uncomfortable.

      By you saying you are unable to engage, it gives her the opportunity to get back to what she was doing and forget about her complaint.

      The other thing you can do is let her know that you are on the “no complaining” train. (complaining is different then venting). So you could always set up a little “venting” structure with your friends as an alternative. (so as not to hold in all your frustrations)

      You each give each other 15 (or more if you need) minutes to just unload. You do it one at a time. The unloader, just goes for it, everything that is bothering her. As the receiver, your only job is to listen and maybe provide an “I hear ya”. No comments, no questions.

      After the time is up, the venting stops. No if’s and’s or but’s and you move on. Keep in mind, that both parties need to agree that the objective of this interaction is so that you can CLEAR your throat so to speak, in order to get on with what you are wanting to do/be.

      How do these land for you?:)


  2. jean says:

    ‘When there is movement in your body, there is movement in your life!’

    So, so true, Sistah!

    Oh, and I have the same resistance as you on that second item. Oh, yes I do.

    Love you for this post.


  3. Melody says:

    Busted! Yes, I do resist things. And I come up with all kinds of reasons I’m resisting…

    But, man, if feels good when I stop the non-sense. It’s as if everything starts lining up in a row.

    Great topic, Erin!!!

    I’m ready for the next video. Although it may be perfect that you’re holding out on me, because I’m freakin’ sore from the shower exercise, lol.


  4. Kathy D says:

    I just left my Hypnotherapist’s where, when she asked me to schedule two hikes this week in my calendar, I was so pissed, I cried. She beamed at me and said, “Resistance. It’s wonderful! And you doing it anyway is amazing.”

    And then I get your email.

    My heart is with you all these miles away, Diva!
    <3 <3 <3

  5. Erin says:

    Oooh girl, what a treat to hear from you!! I love the timing of it all!

    Did you get those hikes in yet?

    Mama wants to know.

    Sending you love from NYC!!


  6. Karie Hill says:

    This is some good stuff, E. I’ve never looked at feeling pissed off and complaining as a form of resistance. Now that I look back, you are correct!

    So happy to be aware of this now.

    Brilliant, hot stuff!


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