Happy New Year! Welcome to 2018!
In case you missed it, we welcomed baby girl Kwynn Emmi to the world on Nov. 27 at 7:04pm. She was 8lbs 9oz and 21.5 inches long!
I have been cocooning with my new babe and sharing a few pics over here.
While it wasn’t an easy birth, a story I will share down the road, it was worth every second. She is an utter delight and such a good baby in all ways!
As my husband and I settle into our new lives as parents and begin a new year, I wanted to thank you so much for all the support and love you have shown us over social media and through these newsletters.
From pregnancy, to birth, to postpartum, I have more life lessons to share than ever before.
And I look forward to sharing it all with you in the coming months.
Now that I have completed the first 40 days of parenthood, I am starting to configure what this new life will look like, probably similar to what you may be doing in regard to this new year, 2018.
That said…
What do I think of goal setting this time of year?
I have to be honest, and not because I just had a baby, I tend to ease real slow into my intentions for the year ahead.
While some people are gung ho on New Year, New You, I tend to be more “New Year, Let’s See.”
I prefer to take my time in January and turn inward for as long as it takes. Sometimes I am crystal clear on my intentions for the new year, other times, I have to let it unfold and reveal what life is calling for.
I share this, because if you are feeling turned inward as opposed to jumping on the “This has to be the best year ever!!!” train, then I invite you to trust that.
Trust that Life is unfolding as it should right here today, and that if you don’t yet have clarity around your 2018, then that’s ok.
There’s no rush.
Go slow.
Ease in.
Take your time.
My guess is some really good ideas are right around the corner. And each idea, each intention, each action will reveal itself to you, so long as you stay open and available.
Will you stay open and available?
You can even say,
I take my time
I ease in
I am open and available
I am ready to begin
Doesn’t that feel nice?
I’m really looking forward to sharing some neat discoveries with you in the coming weeks and months.
Between nursing and diaper changes, these newsletters are still a way for me to feel connected. Not only to you, but also to me.
So again, thank you for your support, your love and your well wishes as we welcomed our little girl into the world.
I would love to hear what you do to get the new year started on the right foot. Will you come share it with me in the comments?
Looking forward to an expansive and beautiful 2018.
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The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
Go slow, ease in !
Letting go of control and letting in love…
All the best!
I totally agree! No drastic changes planned for the new year. We do have some major profissional plans to work on, but we trust that they’ll develop naturally. We’ll keep on living our healthy and joyful lifestyle, enjoying ourselves and being greatful for all we have, and what’s to come.
Thank you for your beautiful words and congrats again on your sweet baby girl. Wishing the 3 of you lots of love, health and happiness.
I’m taking my amazing coach and friend, Errity Jones’s advice, and settingn*intentions* rather than goals this year. The affirnationsnhere sound very much like intentions, too. I’d like to focus on how I want to feel, and visualize that and manifest that.
Heartfelt congratulations and welcome to motherhood. It certainly is a crucible and huge portal to transcendence.
*affirmations here
Congratulations and best wishes to the beautiful family – enjoy every moment
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Enjoy these precious times slowly and by each moment.
I am easing in to a new wellness program and building my doTERRA/Uniquely Oiled business. I am going slow to ensure details and most importantly Success!
Happy New Year and Stay Beautiful
I am ready to begin!!!
Congratulations for your baby and blessings.
Welcome to the world Kwynn Emmi, what a beautiful picture!
Definitely easing into the year on a personal level, as a contrast to the work whirlwind which began for me in November and is likely to last the whole year. I know what: Get my choir up and running, lose some weight. (This is new – last year I only wanted to get fitter.) The details are coming slowly.
First poop after baby is the worst!!! Now you know.
So, to start off the year, our entire family had the flu. I dropped 5 lbs which was kind of motivating. Influenza A doesn’t really affect your stomach, so I was still eating, but while sick I choose healthier stuff rather than just soup. I ate lots of veggies and some fruits, and drank lots of water. I was able to kick my pop/caffeine habit which has some adverse side effects, but thanks to Tylenol, I’ve been ok. I feel better right now, and have a better motivation to be healthy, not just LOOK skinny. I can’t wait until spring so I can plant some veggies in the garden and hope I can find more time to spend outdoors fishing and playing with my littles.
From one mother to another, take as many pictures as you want, buy the matching outfits, have fun with the exploding poopy diaper in the middle of grocery shopping. It really does go so fast. Enjoy as much as you can for as long as you can. You’ll learn new things about yourself, and the number one thing I had to learn was when I had to say no. I’m a people pleaser and saying no is the hardest thing, but after a bit of time and practice, I can put healthy boundaries on my needs and the needs of others. Many prayers for you and your family. God bless!
Hi Erin! Your newsletter came just in the right time. I was just thinking how I do not have anything done yet and that I am starting to feel a lack of goals. This every day high-speed life is making me feel for anxious and stressed missing the things that matter. But as you said… I’m ready to begin!
We eat mochi.
Just what I needed to hear! Sorta beating myself up since I didn’t have my goals clearly defined and it’s already the 9! But love the idea of listening!!!! Enjoy all the cuddles!
Hi Erin,
Congratulations on the arrival of your Beautiful daughter! I know you will be a Great Mama:)
I am easing into 2018, taking a Fengshui class! That and my Soul Stroll downloads should get things moving in 2018!
God Bless and Happy New Year!
Congrats, and Happy 2018!
I am so excited for 2018! I am going to grow my business, be organized, and meet my goals on my vision board. One of the ways I am looking to achieve my goals and visions are by having a planner. This allows me to keep track of when and who I should follow up with.
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2018 is a big goal setting year for me! I still tend to ease into things, think them through instead of jumping in with both feet…then sinking!
1st of all CONGRATULATIONS!! Babies are a load of work but also a ton of joy! I wish you all the best!
As for how I enter the New Year, I used to be a gung ho “let’s do this” person ( who usually didn’t get very far before running out of steam)! So this year, Life has gotten in the my own way a little bit and forced me to slow down ( got sick New Years Eve) and have taken the viewpoint of “Let’s see how this goes”…and so far, I seem to be getting more done! I am back in school ( organization time) and have a nutritionist appt in a weeks time ( really want to get rid of some weight this year). Beyond that, nothing written down yet! Thinking it might be time to review MM soon ….but not today! New mantra for me is “one breath, one step, one day at a time and all will be fine!” Enjoy your time with babe, they do not stay small for long!!
Hey Erin Happy 2018 to you and your new family. You have a Beautiful baby girl. Treasure all the moments laugh live and love. So excited for you! I’m taking things productively, healthy decisions and projects with sustainable timeframes. Home reno’s shall keep me focused. Enjoy!
Love the New Year Mantra – take our time and easing in.
Congrats on the beautiful new addition to your family. Much light!
I’m continuing on last years resolution which was to step out of my comfort zone; start living a healthier lifestyle and I’m proud to say I’ve been successful with the help of others and setting goals, making a plan, being accountable. I feel better. I can be an active participant in my grandson’s lives. I even started a Facebook group (part of stepping out of comfort zone)to share what I have incorporated in my healthier lifestyle plan that has helped me ( I’m down 100 lbs!)
Thanks for the permission to turn inward. It was exactly what I needed to read today. Congratulations on your new journey. Thanks for your words and thoughts.
Congratulations Erin! You three look mighty happy! Like you, I am easing into my New Year. Some things are just unfolding naturally for me; and other things, I am having to just hold on and keep the Faith, that all is working together for my good. Thanks for making me feel good about my gaze is probably more inward than outward reflected at this time. I do hope to continue to hear from you and share with you. God’s blessings to you, as always!
Congrats Erin, motherhood is an amazing lifelong journey. Each year I choose a single word to be my themed intention for the year to be mindful in my journaling, manifestations and actions. This year I chose “unfolding” to allow myself to unravel and unlearn any old beliefs that might not be serving me well and to open my heart and mind to trust what enters into my life. I felt compelled to respond today because your post specifically used “unfolding” as a way of letting life reveal itself. OMG! Spot on for my year’s theme in 2018! I don’t see this as passive, just a way to trust that what enters into my life and to allow the magic to unfold through being open to life and opportunities. Blessings to you and your family! “Mighty” Kwynn is adorable!
This year I actually got Danielle LaPorte’s weekly planner which I am really loving. It has soul prompts and pages where you write out what you want to feel this year and what’s important to you. Things like that. It’s really helped me to sit and concentrate on How I want to feel and different ways I get there.
I’m also taking this year slow and being patient as I have a little one as well and things change so rapidly.
Plus while doing a nice hike I started pondering a question I recently saw. “How do you want to be remembered” which lead me thinking of the people I’ve met that have inspired me and what it is about those people I felt drawn to. It really got me in the introspective mindset.
Thank you Erin, for sharing with us your process of taking your time to ease in to the New Year and to stay open and available! I needed that reminder. I’ve already noticed that my big plans and goals for the year need to stay soft and flexible enough for the Universe to work her Magic! So happy for you and your sweet family!! Holding my first new bornbaby in my arms is a divine experience I will always treasure. They grow so fast! I’m continuing to love my workouts listening to your Soul Strolls and look forward to some new ones when you’re inspired and ready to create them.
I am so grateful for your wonderful, positive attitude. I just had my first baby on 12/12 and am feeling so overwhelmed that knowing I am not alone on this journey and that I can ease into the newness is refreshing. Thank you!! You are amazing, Erin.
CONGRATULATIONS! Very Beautiful Family!
Congrats Erin! Kwynn Emmi is beautiful! May she have a very healthy and joyous life. Both should be a breeze with you at the helm! What a wonderful, adventurous journey your whole family with have!
My website was birthed around end of December so I can now start to pursue clients (http://kk-beyondtheboardroom.com). I’m very happy with it! All new beginnings this year and taking one step at a time. Everything happens when it’s suppose to!
Be well and safe and warm!
You will learn as much from her as she will from you. Maybe more. It is a long journey of love. My youngest son just took me out for breakfast this morning for my 65th birthday. I learn from him every time I see him.
Kwynn is precious, you are precious. Life is precious.
To get the New Year started on the right foot, I’ve cleaned and organized my house and my desk at work with the thought that a new year is approaching. I prayed the New Year in with my church family. I absolutely love your thought to “ease-in” to 2018! Even up until now, I’m thinking that I needed to be doing something (what? I don’t know), but all along, I’ve needed to let it unfold. Love it! Be in the moment!
I don’t want to “crush” any goals or be “balls to the wall”. That’s exhausting. I plan to take care of myself, my family, my health and see what we can do to get even more financially stable. I have a huge business idea that may not come to fruition but I just trust that my priorities right now are where they are supposed to be.
I’m enjoying my family, my kids, my pets and my home…and have let go of everything being spotless and perfect all the time.
My mantra for the last months of 2017 was “don’t overthink it” and my mantra right now is “not my circus, not my monkeys” because in the grand scheme, I only have to tame a few animals.
Letting it go is awesome!
Congratulations. Thank you for sharing
I wish you and your husband along with your beautiful baby girl the best.
Fist of all….Congratulations on the beautiful baby. She is gorgeous! Enjoy every moment. Time will go by so fast now that you have a kiddo.
I like to get re-organized with my house first. Out with the old to make room for the new. I do foster care; so it is a really great tradition to have for the foster kids to feel they have some sort of control with their life. I also reflect what I would like to accomplish for the year. Like paying off a credit card, take a trip and since I have been recently divorced….. make time for myself to meet new people and maybe a new love. I then make a plan of action and try to stick with it. Most things get done by the end of the year, but the things that do not will be re-evaluated.
Beautiful! Your little bubba is gorgeous! Congratulations to you both.
I am a mother of four amazing young people who are now on their way to creating their own lives. At first it took some adjusting to; going from organized chaos to having all this time on my hands.
My new year has always been about being joyful and sharing that joy everywhere and with everyone I meet. Being aware when others in need and helping when I can. Basically I make it my mission to sprinkly my sparkle everywhere I go.
Once again congratulations and enjoy every moment with your little one even on the crappy days and there will be many. Children grow up so quickly and are on there way before you know it. xxxxx
I actually started to get ready for the new year goals in December. So it wasn’t stressful. I was ready. I picked a word for the year and then set up my main goals for the year with true intention. Then each month of the new year I will have mini goals working with the word of the year and pushing me forward to my main goals and eventually achieving them. Good luck to everyone in the new year!
Just what I needed to nudge forward. Thank you.
With your support and encouragement I published the Blue Glass Journal (yeaaahhhh) and even mentioned the wonderful work you do.
My intention this year is to journal my thoughts instead of keeping them crammed in my head and heart. I intend to spend more time outside, this year I want to learn how to play tennis and ski. Another intention is to attend my church more often, pray and to read the Bible.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, that is such a likeable and unique name!
Erin, thanks for your message and the “permission” to go slow, take the time to figure things out and let the year and its needs unfold naturally. I tend to be an all or nothing, perfectionistic person, so this sounds much more doable and refreshing to me. I’m going to give it a go. Enjoy every moment with that precious gift of yours!