Ok, wow.
Aside from the birth of my daughter, Kwynn, this is my biggest announcement yet.
And, well, if I am being totally transparent, it’s my scariest announcement too!
Since you are a part of this community, I wanted to share it with you first, and also ask for your help!
I rarely ask for help.
With anything.
So this is extra scary! 🙂
You see, my book Mantras In Motion: Manifesting What You Want Through Mindful Movement is officially available for pre-order!!
That means you can order it, like right now. Today.
First, you must come see the beautiful cover designed by my publisher, Hay House.
I mean, it’s gorgeous, if I do say so myself!
CLICK HERE to see the cover of my new book.
This book is a culmination of everything I’ve been teaching (and learning!) over the last several years.
When I moved to NYC many years ago, I was a broke, single, struggling actor, who didn’t believe in myself and doubted my every choice. It was a sad state of affairs.
Flash forward to today, I am an entrepreneur who is happily married-to-my-perfect-partner, running a multi-platform brand that reaches people in over 155 countries around the world. I host a TV show, am in charge of a small team of amazing employees and best of all, I get the opportunity to use my creativity and talent to help make other people’s lives better.
I am not saying all this to brag.
I did a lot of work to make it all happen. Most of it was that INNER WORK I talk about all the time.
I knew that my inner world had to reflect what I wanted to see in my outer world.
Through trial and error and trial and error again, I came to create a method of manifesting I could rely on that would support both my inner and outer world.
This is the method I teach in Mantras In Motion.
If you have done my programs, read my blog posts and participated in my challenges, I have shared what I have learned and what I practice so that you too could live your optimum life.
But never before have I gone this deep into the concepts, teachings, personal stories and client stories.
I wanted to write something that was going to help you manifest and attract what YOU want in your life, right now!
I know that manifesting is more than an occasional vision board project.
So many people I talk to simply don’t make the time to get clear on what they really want.
And when they do, they don’t take the time to focus on and clear the blocks in their way.
And if they DO this work and understand the concepts intellectually, the biggest problem I see, is that they STILL struggle to get what they want.
Why does it have to be so hard?
In Mantras In Motion, I teach you how to create an energetic shift in your mind and YOUR BODY, so that every ounce of your being is moving you towards your desires.
It’s no longer about just THINKING about what you want, I teach you how to BECOME what you want, so that your desires can easily FIND YOU!
And of course, I make it fun. Because changing your life for the better SHOULD be fun!
Now, back to my request!
I really want this book to reach as many people as possible.
And frankly, the better the ranking on Amazon, the more chances there are of that happening!
So, I am inviting YOU, as part of my inner circle tribe, to pre-order Mantras In Motion TODAY!
While the book will be shipped to you in early January, there’s a very special reason for you to pre-order your copy now.
Pre-ordering gets you exclusive access to an hour-long FREE BONUS Magical Manifesters video workshop.
In this never-before-seen video workshop (valued at $149), I walk you through my 4 steps towards creating your vision and moving into action.
I also give you movements and mantras that you can do from the comfort of your chair, along with step-by-step guidance on how to let go of limiting beliefs and negative patterns that hold you back from getting what you desire.
And I threw in one of my most powerful audio meditations to help you clear out negative patterns lickety-split!
Plus, I’m giving you access to my personal music playlist that gets me movin’ and groovin’ at any time.
You will have lifetime access to the content and you can visit it again and again for different areas of your life you might like to work on.
Will you help me out?
I would be so grateful for your support. (The hard cover is currently on sale for $16.50 in the US, which is a STEAL considering you also get the FREE BONUS Magical Manifesters video workshop, valued at $149.)
Thanks for being part of this inspiring, kind and loving community. I’m constantly uplifted by your messages and posts and the dedication you have to your own well-being.
With love and excitement,
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The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
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