I want to make videos for you so badly. Every week. So that you get fed spiritually and entertained emotionally. And I will, oh I will. They are a comin’.
At the moment, I am in the midst of making and soon birthing a baby. Not a human baby, but a creative one. Have you ever put your heart and soul into a project that you created from scratch? A recipe, a dance, a business for that matter? It’s pretty invigorating. And exhausting. And delightful. And scary.
Oh, the thrill of creating.
Shrink Session: Tone Your Body, Expand Your Mind is my current creative baby. This is the at home, do it ANYWHERE, ANYTIME version of my workout/workshop. You may have heard me mention it. You may have even jumped on the list so you are the first to get the goods. (You can still get on it by clicking here!)
This has been a huge labor of love. Why? Because I adore what I do. Teaching is the fuel for my fire. Helping people to work out in a way that that is joyful and fun is rewarding beyond belief. No punishment in my workouts. Ever. And, I love my students more than you can imagine. They inspire me. They light me up. They make me a better teacher every. Single. Class.
I wanted to spread that yumminess to you, near or far, so you can get in on the juju. And soon, in just a few weeks, it shall be so. (Makes my heart leap with joy.)
With that, the one thing I know about myself is that at the core of my being, I am an artist. In a phrase, I like to make things. So as much as this creation is for your benefit, it is for mine too. Sounds selfish? Let me explain.
I believe when you create something that is the most authentic expression of your soul, it WILL touch others. It can REACH the masses. It can CHANGE people’s lives, while ALSO changing yours.
Yes, we want to be of service. Sometimes being of service to you OWN longings is the best way to enlighten those around you.
So my message for you today is simple.
Don’t hide your gifts. Make something. Create a masterpiece. Even a mini one. A poem, a class, a website, a play. Why? Because you must. Because it is calling you.
And then, make sure you share it. Don’t hoard your babies. Your brilliant ideas can touch people. Your unique perspectives can shine light where there is darkness. They can elevate souls in perfect timing in the most perfect way. They can change people’s paths. And yes, they most certainly can change yours.
Please get to creating. I need your light. And so do you.
I promise to be back with many, many more videos! In fact, keep your eyes peeled next FRIDAY, because I am SO EXCITED to be sending you a post Thanksgiving VIDEO workout. I want you to feel GREAT this holiday season. Inside and out!
Love, Erin
P.S. In order to get THIS workout, make sure you are on the special VIP list over HERE. You won’t see it on the social media channels right away, so to get your workout, ya gotta be on the list!
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
“Don’t hide your gifts. Make something. Create a masterpiece. Even a mini one. A poem, a class, a website, a play. Why? Because you must. Because it is calling you.”
Totally love this and it fires me up 🙂 You have such a great spirit.
Xo, your newest follower.
I’m birthing a “baby” in a month’s time too. Can’t wait!