Louise Hay. The mother of affirmations. The founder of Hay House publishing. The guiding light to so many who seek healing and comfort.
When my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 1996, I turned to Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life.
Her gentle, loving tone and talk of forgiveness and self-love hit a deep chord.
The series of affirmations, thought provoking ideas and new ways to go about healing oneself aside from or in addition to Western Medicine hit a chord with myself and my mom.
She was our guru.
Years later when I found a lump that I had to wait 2 whole weeks to get biopsied (yes, I left that doctor after that experience!), I once again turned to Louise. Her audio talk and meditation, Self Healing: Creating Your Health was a savior for me. I played it every night before I went to sleep and all day long over those two weeks.
And while the test results came back negative, I am forever grateful for the experience, simply because I spent two weeks soaking her wisdom in through all my cells.
Meeting her two years ago at a Hay House conference, was like meeting a celebrity rolled into meeting your favorite fairy godmother. Her presence alone is healing. Her voice soothing. Her eyes glistening. She truly is like an angel.
(Me talking to Louise. It’s a little blurry and far away, but just look at her generous focus:)
I am SO incredibly honored to be spending the weekend at the Hay House I Can Do It (#icandoit2014) in NYC. The conference brings which brings together world-renowned motivational speakers and transformational teachers and healers under one roof, and the chance for guests to have up close and personal interaction with some of the world’s most beloved self-help authors.
Among my favorites will be Dr. Wayne Dyer, my pal Kris Carr and Doreen Virtue.
(Kris and I hangin’ in NYC at a launch party.)
The weekend provides an opportunity to step outside of the normal day-to-day life and leave feeling reenergized, refreshed, and refocused on achieving goals,” said Reid Tracy, president and CEO, Hay House, Inc. “We hand-picked the presenting authors to bring a wealth of knowledge, inspiration and enlightenment to attendees.”
I have a feeling this weekend is going to inspire some wonderful new ideas, thoughts on health, wealth and spirituality. I truly can’t wait!
And I promise to bring it all back to you!
Happy Friday, friends!
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