Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

Meet erin


The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

It’s raining in here in NYC and I’m tired and I haven’t been sleeping well at all.  Maybe it’s the super moon and the changing of the tides.  Who knows, but all I can think is Waaaaaah, I don’t feel like doing anything!!

Last week I talked about PARTYING W/ YOUR FEAR. Feel the feeling AND keep on truckin’. The comment section in the blog BLEW up, people were committed, excited and ready to rock n’ roll.

I committed to staying in touch with YOU, check in and make sure you were takin’ some action around the things that scared you.

But today, as I sit in my fav café in the West Village, all I could think, was, “Ucch, I don’t feel like writing a blog post! I don’t feel like checking in, being clever, or being honest. I just don’t feeeeel like it.”

(What are some of your excuses? Check out the comments!)

While I don’t feel like it, I promised you and myself I would do it. I committed to checking in.

Do you know where I am going with this?

What happens when we commit to doing something and then we DON’T do it? There is a little tiny part of you, even if it’s just a few cells in your big toe that gets disappointed and bummed out. There is a little piece of you that says, “Damn girlfriend, you said you were going to write and you didn’t. Where else you gonna let me down?”

And while I don’t promote this negative self-talk, it just happens.  It happens, because your soul, your spirit, KNOWS you can do better. KNOWS that you are WONDERFUL, CREATIVE and CAPABLE!

Your SOUL IS ROOTING for YOU and WANTS YOU to succeed and DO GREAT THINGS. Truly. When you don’t follow through you are like that little child who’s dad promised he would be tuck her in at night but he stayed late at office. Then she wonders if she can count on him for bigger things.

When you don’t follow through, YOU begins to wonder if YOU can count on YOU for bigger things. But the truth is, YOU can. It’s possible. Because you can. Because you are that good. Because you are that brilliant. Because you are that spectacular.

As Gandhi once said, “Just Do It.”

Wait. That wasn’t Gandhi.

But still.

Take the action you said you were going to take. Write the blog you said you were going to write. Call your mom if you told her you would. Make the homemade chili you promised you would make. Seriously friend, Just Do It.

Your soul will thank you.

TODAY in the comment section of the blog, I invite you to LIST ALL THE EXCUSES for WHY YOU DON’T WANT TO TAKE the actions you said you would take. Just a quick brain dump. Clear ‘em out. Then we can have a little EXCUSE party, celebrate and THEN JUST DO IT!

I love you and so does your SOUL!


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  1. The excuses I always find myself giving TO myself:
    – I’m tired, I’ve had a long day.
    – I’d rather do THIS instead of this other thing I SHOULD do, that I promised I’d do.
    – It’s okay, I can do it tomorrow, no big deal.
    – I’ll make up for this some other time
    – Ugh – Really? I have to? I deserve to have fun INSTEAD!
    – Will it REALLY matter if I DON’T do this?
    – Who cares, its JUST me I’m letting down.

    • Erin says:

      Fascinating, right?! Now, next time you hear the excuse, see if you can catch it and see it as just that, a silly way the mind likes to play tricks.

      Maybe you can even notice if excuses come up more when you are up to something scary, challenging or out of your comfort zone!?


  2. Edie says:

    I’ve been following your blog as soon as I discovered IntenSati. I know that I don’t know you, but I just wanted to say thank you. This blog really spoke volumes to me. Thanks again 🙂

  3. LIz DiAlto says:

    Effing love this post mamasita! I didn’t feel like getting up at 5:30 to teach bootcamp, good news is I couldn’t make an excuse b/c 4 awesome peeps were depending on me…at 7:30 when it was over, I was super charged and in love with the direction my day was heading in. Not making excuses rules. Love you!

  4. Karie says:

    Love the honesty in your blogs.

    It’s nice to hear someone else have these kind of days AND still take action despite the resistance.

    Thanks for sharing xoxo.

  5. Jeannette says:


    This post does it for me in so many ways you have no idea. When I read this line “When you don’t follow through, YOU begins to wonder if YOU can count on YOU for bigger things.” I was like WHOA HOLD UP! How many times have I played myself and dissed myself because instead of doing what I needed to do I was too busy worrying about the last time I didn’t do what I said I was going to do and confirming that yeah I suck. NO MORE!!! Your post is so timely because a friend and I were just talking about this last night and reading this post inspired me to step it up and really live to my committments. I mean I do it for everyone else so why not me? I matter too!!

    Love this! You totally rock my world!!

  6. thanks Erin!
    Although Gandhi didn’t say that, he did say “be the change in the world you want to see”, so I guess that means the same thing and how can you be the change when you’re stuck in a funk…

  7. You certainly caught me with that blog post comment. I just totally procrastinate with that! BUT after I do it, it works out and I feel so relieved. Thanks for the reminder ~ my soul is rooting for ME! I am going to carry that around with me all the time. Love it!

  8. Heather says:

    Thanks for this Erin, perfect freaking timing! I was totally in your shoes yesterday, feeling down with the weather, tired, and not wanting to write anything like I promised I would – saying things like “I have nothing interesting to say today, people are sick of hearing from me, etc.”. I finally stopped the drama and just did it, and seeing your post was definitely inspiration!

  9. Loved this post Erin, your writing style is awesome, flows so great!

    Have a wonderful day!


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