Mindset and Motivation

The Truth About Settling

Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

Meet erin


The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

Recently, I got a juicy question from one of my Soul Strollers.  A few days later the SAME question came in 5 more times!

I figured if it was something on all their minds, it might be something on yours as well. What I am wondering is:  do you feel that if you accept things like your life, yourself or your body “as is”, that maybe you are kind of just settling?

acceptance vs settling

Is Acceptance Really Just Settling?

And if you accept yourself, does that mean you no longer want for more?

So today I decided to switch it up and make a video for you:)

The very first mantra of the latest Soul Stroll Vol: 2 is:


It’s a powerful one.

BUT what if acceptance is really just settling in disguise?!

Is it possible that self acceptance just sort of means throwing in the towel and saying, “Screw it. I am done trying?”

And how do you balance a sense of gratitude for what you have, with wanting and desiring more in your life?!

In today’s video, I answer these very questions. It’s all about self acceptance.

I am also giving you a mantra and a movement that you can use right away, while you are watching.  These will help you FEEL into the idea of being both grateful for all that you have today while ALSO being ready for more.

You can watch the video right over here. 

And as always, I love hearing from you. After you watch the video, leave a comment and let me know if this resonates with you. Are you wiling to feel acceptance for where you are today and ALSO stay open for more?



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  1. Mary says:

    Oh my gosh, my heart! What a great mantra & at the perfect time. I am slap in the middle of not liking where I’m at (job, finances, health) but I KNOW part of my struggle stems from not accepting my current (and temporary) status. Accepting does not mean I like it, just that I can say “ok, this is the status today.” I know I will heal, the job will do whatever the job is & finances are always evolving. And I don’t have to LIKE it; I just have to accept it. Doesn’t mean I’m settling. Never.

    I will say my temporary physical limits add to my grumbliness. A good sweat is my stress relief & I miss my soul jumping. Today, thanks to you, I’ll take a deep breath, accept where I’m at & remember it’s not about my time schedule. I’m where I’m supposed to be at this moment.
    Thank you thank you thank you

  2. Thank you for this mantra! Love it.

  3. Laurie says:

    Erin, this is so important

    This is something that has taken my generation of Women longer to learn. So much of it is layers of conditioning from external situations.

    What I know for sure is YOU CAN’T JUDGE AND CREATE AT THE SAME TIME!
    This is the journey…..integrate it all into the Self at this moment with Love, Surrender, Humor, Ease, Peace, Potential and JOY! Then ask….Where do I go from here?

    You are so right about the energy of the word settling…..it does sound a bit defensive or bitter or perhaps a feeling of giving up.

    Love this!
    Gently down the stream,
    Love, Laurie

  4. Claudia says:

    Yes! that was exactly my question. I do like my life, I am grateful but there is so much more that I want, like moving to New York from Europe, which seems to be nearly impossible (especially at age 39). But now I can find some peace, while I still work to make it happen.

    Thank you so much Erin.

  5. Nora says:

    This is brilliant. I’ve written down a lot of what you said here. I love the mantras. I’m working on a new project at the moment and this video is perfect timing.

  6. Laurence says:

    Love it !

  7. Kara Devoy says:

    Fantastic message!! Thanks for posting this, Erin:) As I was growing up, my mom always said..”always be thankful but never satisfied”. This taught me to count my blessings every single day but always strive for more. Your video today reminded me of just that. Thanks again!!

  8. Sharon says:

    THANK YOU!!!

  9. Melanie says:

    Erin, I absolutely loved this video and the encouragement that comes along with it! I am so excited to experience this with you!

  10. Becky Cracraft says:

    Erin, Sooooo beautifully expressed ! As women, we have received and as mothers gave so much guilt ! It is soooo freeing to be able to let that go,and break the chains of guilt. I loooove your mantra ! I am truly the best I can be for today !

  11. Kate says:

    I absolutely love this mantra, and the Soul Stroll 2 mantras in general. They are so wonderful and powerful. I truly appreciate your work, Erin! You are bringing so much light into the world.

  12. Sara S says:

    Hi Erin!
    Thank you for this video!

    I’ve been dying to reach out to you. I injured my back pretty bad after doing my second rotation of the workout. Not blaming you at all. In fact, I’m dying to get back into it, but I’ve got to take care of my back otherwise, I won’t be able to do anything. It was tough not being able to bend or even sit comfortably.

    Either way, you always have a way of getting to exactly what I need with the mantras and the workouts and I’m so glad I have had this opportunity to be part of your community. Best money paid!

    Thank you!

    • Erin says:

      Sara- I’m so sorry you are injured, but glad to hear you are taking good care of yourself. Please let me know if there are any modifications I can direct you to to help get you back into the groove. Thanks for your kind words! xo

  13. Toni says:

    Awesome, Erin! I was just thinking about this very thing, and voila! Here you are with this message! Thank you!

  14. Alicia says:

    Thank you so much for your response… I couldn’t agree more with your answer to “is acceptance really just settling?”
    You explained the different energetic tones really clearly. Thanks so much for all your great work.

    Love and blessings,

  15. Diana P says:

    Thank you! Such a wonderful way of explaining Acceptance. I interpret it a little as I have to like mysel, love myself enough to invest in me. I have to Accept Me, the entire Me, before I can move forward and become more. Thanks Erin.

  16. Vicki says:

    Great insight. Thank you. I have come so far in so many ways for which I am grateful, yet I have much farther to go, and I am ready for more.

  17. Helene says:

    This is awesome! Thanks for doing this, I joined yesterday and am so exited. It’s just what I need I think, I’ve been looking for some motivation for a long time not really knowing where to start. This is just great, can’t wait 🙂

  18. Amber says:

    This was a great video, very inspiring and HELPFUL!! Thank you!!!

  19. Milissa says:

    Thank you Erin! I am grateful, I am blessed, I am ready for more! ❤️

  20. Kathryn says:

    Hi Erin! Great job on the video! 🙂 I have read gazillion books, watched videos and read articles on the law of attraction, meditation, mantras, and affirmations but truly loved the idea you presented with arm extended, “I am so grateful and am ready for more.” Simply beautiful Erin, thank you! Looking forward to diving in more over the next few days!


  21. Kira says:

    Thank you. I needed this reminder today.

  22. Teri says:


  23. Danya Hachey says:

    Erin, you & your peers like Kris Carr,through whom I discovered you, make me feel wonderful & confident that our Universe is being beautifully guided in the perfect direction!
    You are women of much Love & Light & I thank you for sharing & re-awakening us all to the path of our own true light! BRAVA!!!

  24. MizzB says:

    Good one!

  25. Dana says:

    Hi Erin,
    Thank you for sharing this mantra. It is a good lesson to start with. Being grateful for what you have and accepting of yourself but also being ready for new challenges and new experiences is an important message. Looking forward to the week ahead. Have a great night.

  26. Jo says:

    The Jewish mum 🙂 Oh yes! Didn’t realize till you said it, that this was a problem for me. I also have my Jewish mum inside me and this mantra is great for changing that. Thank you again Erin, for understanding what we all need.

  27. Brenda says:

    Lovely. “I am good enough” is slightly different from for being grateful for what you have. Do you have any mantras that highlight that thought?

  28. Gabrielle says:

    Thank you so much for this video. The mantra is just what I needed to hear.

  29. Susan Peterson says:

    Hello Erin,

    This video was exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you! Wonderful, empowering message. I have not been able to participate in the exercises as I injured my knee two weeks ago and am going to see an Orthopedic Doctor. So I might not be able to do much exercise for a while. I will get into this program as soon as I can.


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