I’ve been back taking live in-person fitness classes again. I’ve missed them so much. I love the energy, the music and most importantly, moving with other bodies. Together.
But, I want to address an important topic that gets pushed in the fitness industry.
The other day, I was in a class and the teacher said, “You should be working so hard that you need a nap after!”
Let’s discuss this. Cause, really?
Now, I loved the class. I loved the music. And I will go back to this class.
However, my intention when working out (both teaching it and doing it on my own) is for you, and me, to feel MORE energized. MORE alive. MORE present. Not like we need a nap.
There is a misconception that in order for a workout to be “productive” you need to push yourself to the brink.
You hear the phrase, “change happens at the edge of your comfort zone.” Or, “if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.”
And I am going to challenge this strongly.
Change can happen when we are sweet to ourselves. When we are kind. When we do it even when we don’t feel like it because we know it’s an act of self-love. Or when we don’t do it, because that too can be an act of self-love (it’s a fine line that takes massive tuning.)
Change can happen when we listen to our bodies and say, “Hey, today is a push day.” Or we say, “Hey, today is a take it easy day.”
If you want to feel really alive after a workout, yes, you may want to get breathless and get your heart rate up. Or you may find that deep, gentle stretching opens up parts of yourself that were making you feel stagnant. But, either way, it doesn’t require that you push yourself so hard that you can’t walk out of there.
Remember, YOU decide what your intention is for your workout and movement practice. And maybe, just maybe, feeling energized and alive is all that you need.
We just added a new workout inside The Movement that will help you do just that.
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed with starting something. Anything from a workout to a project, we can hear the voice, I don’t want to or I don’t know what to do.
Take time to set your intention, clear the path and start from right where you are using these powerful mantras to shift your resistance:
I know my intention
My path is clear
I have all that I need
I start from right here
Here’s what The Movement Crew shared in the FB group:
“Wooh Erin, the new workout is fire!! Great music, and so much fun!! I was in it for the leg lifts and singing at the top of my lungs! Thanks for great new content!”
“This was so much fun & OMG the booty work! My legs felt like jello too afterward. I guess this means I need to do it some more! Thank you!!!”
Join us now with the free 7-day trial period to try this workout and any of the other numerous workouts you will find inside The Movement. While in there make sure to check out the meditations, Soul Strolls, coaching workshops, hypnotherapy sessions and so much more.
Looking forward to moving with all of you!
P.S. Know someone who could use a little moving in their lives? Spread the encouragement and please share this blog with them.
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
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