Mindset and Motivation

F Ups Can Be Awesome!

Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

Meet erin


The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

When I sat down to write the series this month, I wanted to create something fun and light. Spring is here (ish) and if the weather wasn’t going to cooperate the least I could do was amp up the brightness and playfulness inside.

Each month when I build the series I think of it as my mini work of art. It’s an opportunity to be creative, so I trust what comes out is what needs to be said in the moment, from my heart.

When I wrote this series, I thought, “Ooooh, this seems a little braggy, Stutland.” And it instantly made me feel uncomfortable. I’m from the Midwest. We don’t brag. “I can’t be so braggy and ask others to be braggy, too.”  I began to investigate why this made me feel so uncomfortable. What’s wrong with a little bragadociousness?

I quickly came up with this…

What if I get all bragalicious, claiming, “My genius is at work, my brilliance rocks the house,” and then I do something really stupid? Or fail? Or fall on my face? Or look like a fool? THAT is hardly GENIUS!

But upon digging a little deeper into why I REALLY created the series, “The Real Me is REVEALED, I STEP OUT OF MY OWN WAY!” I am actually more interested in seeing how we can incorporate the falling on ze face, the mistakes, the so called failures, INTO the WHOLE that IS your GENIUS at WORK. These bumps, these foibles, these so-called imperfections are part of what MAKES YOUR BRILLIANCE SHINE. Could it be that your biggest mistakes are actually ACTS OF GENIUS?!


So often we get so uncomfortable when we F up. We want to bury our heads in the sand and die. But what if these F ups were considered not even perfect but totally awesome! Like they were supposed to happen. (In fact denying them or wishing they didn’t happen is like wishing your eyes were a different color.)

And of course, there is the fact that there is a tremendous opportunity for learning more about your self and the world through these F ups.

So this month IS about braggin a lil bit and becoming YOUR BIGGEST FAN, guffaws and all! I want to see if we can incorporate our mistakes as well as our victories into the exact thing that makes us DYNAMO!! It is MORE OFTEN THAN NOT that the BREAKTHROUGHS in our lives happens when we F up BIG TIME. So I say ACCIDENT, BRING IT ON!

If your pickin’ up what I’m putting down, leave a comment! Tell me what “mistake” YOU made that ended UP being AMAZING!!


PS www.damnyouautocorrect.com is my FAVORITE fuck up website. It’s LOL folks.

The first BIG accident is ME!:)

My Mom might freak out that I tell you, but let’s just say I wasn’t planned. Yup, preggers, accidentally! I don’t think they were quite ready for a second baby yet, but man o man, I’m pretty sure it is one of my parents’ FAVORITE , most GENIUS ACCIDENTS of all TIME, if I do say so myself:)

The other of my MANY BIG F’ups:

Last year I was under the gun to make a short film in less than 48 hours. I was in Chicago about to fly back to NY and didn’t have a proper camera. So I decided to use my iPhone camera. I had no idea what the narrative would be, but I figured I would just shoot my entire journey back to NY and figure something out in the editing. I totally F’ed up when I tried taking the camera through security at O’Hare Airport. I actually thought I was going to get arrested. However, low and behold my BIG F UP created the PERFECT narrative for this HOLIDAY short.

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  1. Karie says:

    Hilarious! Way to call your parents out on that one. I often thank my own father for being a little sleeze and getting a 19 year old knocked up (my Mom). Oops! Here I am.

    Erin, great post. It’s such a great way to look at our F ups. I think our accidents and screw ups really build character.

    Big thanks to the Stutlands for the big accident named Erin!

    • Erin says:

      Girl, I’m glad ur dad knocked ur mom up too! What would the women looking for financial freedom do, not to mention the women of RHH without u!
      Love to u:)
      PS get ur gravitar pic girl!

  2. Melody says:

    hahah, Happy Holidays to you too! Glad you are safe & secure!

    Yep, well I’ve definitely had my own shares of F ups. Can’t think of any at the moment. Guess they turned out how they were supposed to be;-)

  3. Great entry.

    Tons of F-ups!!! Which to choose?

    Well, when I first met Noah (my significant other) we had the worst WORST first date in the world. I totally screwed it up, was completely awkward… and somehow (I still don’t really know how, probably because we’re both the biggest Apple nerds out there) we ended up having a friendship.

    Then it developed into the best relationship of my life.

    Bad first dates don’t always mean that its never going to happen. My worst became my best!

    In April, I’m rewriting my memory and looking at all these mistakes/accidents as being the best parts of what makes me me. 🙂

    • Erin says:

      I love the idea of rewriting your memory. Brilliant. And I always love hearing about dating/love stories that turn out beautifully! Thanks for sharing it Katie.xx

  4. Arti Karna says:

    Erin great post!! You just never know– what you think is bad today will just turn out to be the
    perfect thing tomorrow.. Love that you’re talking about this.

    ps. still think you’re the best fitness trainer around- wish you were in boston!!

  5. Heather says:

    I’m glad your parents got accidentally preggers! I F up on a regular basis, but try to look at it as an opportunity to grow/learn. Thanks Erin – great post!

  6. GREEat post Erin!


    F-ups…well I don’t know if this would qualify as an f-up, but my obsessive behavior towards food, exercise and body image lead me to become a personal trainer, and health coach! Something I would have NEVER thought I would have done. I was not very healthy or athletic as a kid. But ended up being the best thing that has ever happened to me!!

  7. Jeannette says:

    Excellent post Erin and loved the little video at the end 🙂 I don’t believe in F ups…I mean at first I do but when I put them in perspective and see the benefits that resulted then it can no longer be a F up! I have met the most amazing people through my supposed F ups and now these are people that I can not imagine my life without. Plus every moment in or life, whether good or bad, is an opportunity to grow and see the deeper meaning of what is present. Thanks for sharing this and helping so many of us shift the lens on what we think is a bad thing!

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