Alright, everything feels suuuper intense right now as the Coronavirus information develops.
I decided to record a short mantra powered, calming workout for you.
Because I think we all need it right now.
Let me explain…
As the information intensifies, so do our collective fears and concerns.
As someone who lives in a high population place (NYC), I can attest that people are starting to prepare for… well, the worst.
HOWEVER, at this very moment, I chose not to go into my office and instead am writing to you from a cafe near my home.
This place is business as usual.
People are having lunch.
Meeting with colleagues. (Not shaking hands, but still meeting.)
Getting work done on their computers.
And not surprisingly, it feels good to be around people who are not solely focused on fear.
This is a particularly easy time to get swept up in fear and hysteria.
While I am not here to minimize what is happening or that there are some VERY REAL concerns, I do think it’s valuable that we take an active role in our own stress levels at this time.
As much as we are monitoring the news, we should be monitoring our own thoughts and feelings.
As much as we are paying attention to how long we wash our hands, we should pay attention to how long we let ourselves spiral into repeated, fearful thinking.
As much as we are stocking up on supplies, we should be attending to practices that keep us physically energized, elevated and at ease.
While there are practical things you can do to help keep you and your loved ones healthy, there are also some very real and practical steps you can take to keep your mind and body in a steady, calm place.
When I got home from a meeting the other night and found myself feeling particularly anxious about what was unfolding, I knew that I had to do what I do and know best.
I moved things aside, and did a gentle, easy, mantra powered workout to get my mind and body back to the right place.
I felt like a new person after!
The stress melted away. And I was reminded of my own power in this moment.
And today, I recorded a short sequence for you to do, from wherever you are.
You can do this 5 minute movement + mantra video with me now. (Click on the little box in the lower right hand corner of the video to play in full screen mode.)
Bookmark it. And return to it whenever you are feeling particularly overwhelmed.
Don’t forget about the power you have to take care of yourself. Even from the comfort of your own home.
Meanwhile, say this with me:
I am healthy.
I am calm.
I am healthy.
I am calm.
And now, extend those same thoughts to your family and loved ones.
They are healthy.
They are calm.
They are healthy.
They are calm.
When you are feeling anxious, please use the workout to return back to yourself. I promise it will help. And if you want more soothing workouts or meditations, sign up for The Movement. First 7 days are on me!
With love and good vibes,
P.S. Did you see earlier this week that my book, Mantras In Motion, was selected as an Amazon Kindle Deal! For the whole month of March, you can get the e-book at a special price of $1.99. With over 147 five star reviews, you don’t want to miss out! What are you waiting for? Grab it now!
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
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The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
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