You know how some days you just feel on fire, in the flow, taking actions like boom, boom, boom!
And then, on other days, you feel like you’re puttering around your home wondering what to do next?
Those are the days my to-do list stares me down like a cowgirl in an old western movie. A dust ball rolls by as it waits for me to make my move.
But I’m not movin’. I just. Can’t. Muster the energy.
Ugh. I strongly dislike those days because I’m a doer, probably much like you! I like to be in action. It makes me feel energized, alive and like I’m making progress towards my goals.
On those “what am I even doing with myself” days, it’s tempting to throw in the towel, put on your sweats and binge some Netflix.
And while there is space for us to have days like that, we don’t have to stay in that low level, crappy energy if we don’t want to.
What if I told you there was an easy way to feel motivated, energized and in the flow, fast?
Today, I have something special for you.
This short 8 min movement practice is designed to get you out of your head, into your heart and feeling your desires so that the energy is flowing freely.
You’ll shed that brain foggy feeling fast.
Your brain will start to bubble up with ideas.
Your to-do list will become a ta-da list.
And instead of old western dust ball music playing, you’ll hear the beat of the drum, drum, drum that gets your toes tappin’.
I only ask ONE favor.
After you check it out shoot me an email to and and let me know how you feel now!
Here’s to shakin’ it up and shakin’ it out!
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
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