Next week, I’m announcing something BIG.
But first, I want to take you back to 2009.
I’m living in New York City and “accidentally” started a business teaching this interesting class that combined spirituality and movement. I say accidentally, because it was really just a side hustle to support my acting career.
But, the workshops I created were selling out. People were telling their friends. I was starting to make money consistently doing what I really loved for the first time in my adult life.
I was helping people transform their lives, and to be honest, my life was transforming, too.
As the bitty baby business hit a solid stride, I had a stinkin’ suspicion people all over the world could benefit from the extra good vibes this alternative kind of fitness was providing.
I was itching to take my business to another level!
With the help of my coach at the time, Marie Forleo (more on her in another email), I started to get clear on my vision for expansion.
I saw myself having a global platform. I saw people from countries all over the world doing this work. I could see a community of people growing each day.
But the truth was, I had no idea HOW I was going to do it.
How would I translate the energy of my in-person classes to video?
How was I going to build a virtual platform so people could access these videos? (This is before all these plug and play platforms existed.)
And how in the world was I going to find all those people to buy this program when everyone I knew was in New York? (Again, this was before Instagram and Facebook ads and before I knew anything substantial about online marketing!)
I could have stopped right then and there.
There was so much I didn’t know. There would be challenges I didn’t yet know how to solve and there would be money I would have to invest. (Yes, I was making some $$, but I still didn’t have a ton to spare!)
There was ONE reason I moved forward toward my goal and one reason only.
I had a vision. I could see it. I could feel it. I declared it done.
Yes, I was scared. No, I didn’t have all the answers. Yes, I had to take a few leaps of faith.
Having clarity in my vision gave me the unshakable confidence I needed to move forward.
And this is true for you, too.
When you can see something and feel it, you can do it.
Within 6 months I shot beautiful professional level fitness videos, I built a membership portal and I started selling Shrink Session to hundreds of people and then, eventually to thousands, all around the world.
Flash forward 13 years and I’ve sold millions of dollars worth of products, programs and live classes.
I’ve written a best selling book with my own proprietary process with a prominent publisher, starred as the host and coach of an award winning TV show and had placements in major media outlets.
I’ve partnered with some of the top professionals in my industry and the best part is that I get to help people in over 155 countries around the world.
And to think, I almost didn’t get started simply because I didn’t know HOW.
I want you to know, I’m not the smartest person in the world.
I don’t have the most amount of talent.
I’m not good at following rules.
I get distracted by shiny new things.
I never had someone bank rolling my dream.
And the truth is, I can second guess myself in certain areas of my life.
But, I know that when we get super, uber clear on our vision for our life and particularly our businesses, we can move mountains.
The best way to build confidence is to KNOW what you want.
This coming Tuesday, I am going to announce a project especially designed for small business owners who are looking for that clarity and confidence.
(I’ve been working on this for two years. I’ll share more about why I didn’t do it sooner in another email!)
With clarity and confidence,
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
The best and only walking workout you'll ever want to do.
Feel lighter, energized and more vibrant with every step.
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