Mindset and Motivation

Be More Selective to Be More Effective

Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

Meet erin


The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

The other day my husband and I were talking about burpees.

Don’t worry, this isn’t about how to do burpees.

In fact, if you hate this exercise as much as I do, raise your hand.

I was saying that burpees can be extremely dangerous because of how often they are performed wrong.

My husband said that maybe he should work harder on his burpees to make them more worthwhile.

Mmm, really?

“Why?” I asked, when there are so many other effective ways to work out.

But more importantly, why does something have to be hard to be worthwhile?

I realize this is often the way we think.

Only hard things are worthwhile and it’s only worthwhile if you worked hard at it.

How often do you take on this mentality?

You continue working yourself to the bone, just because you think something good will come out of it on the other side.

But I’m calling BS on this totally outdated thinking.

Maybe it’s because I’m now a parent and my priorities are shifting. Maybe it’s because I have less energy to spread around.

Whatever it is, I’m just not into playing that game of “things must be hard in order to be good” right now.

It’s not that I’m not willing to do the work, but I’m looking for ease, even with the so-called “hard” stuff.

In my book Mantras In Motion, I talk about taking Inspired Action and what exactly that should look like.

So often we take action from ego, because we feel like we should do something and we think it should be challenging.

Maybe you spend a lot of time trying to analyze what actions to take. Maybe you struggle for days or weeks to take a step forward towards your goals, because you are overthinking every choice.

But Inspired Action looks like this:

– You get an idea or impulse to do something that comes to you naturally, easily, and at an unexpected moment. (Whenever these bright ideas enter your mind, be sure to write them down so that you remember them.)

– Maybe the action steps simply feel right, even if they don’t always make logical sense.

– You may not even have a clear path ahead, but you just feel yourself moving forward with ease.

This is the kind of action I am interested in taking from here on out.

And since we can’t do EVERYthing, we may need to be more selective with what actions we are choosing to take.

What if you maximized your energy and time by only doing the very most important things?

Everything else, buh-bye.

If this sounds good to you, I have a mantra I encourage you to repeat. Ready?

The more I am selective, the more I am effective.

Let’s say it again:

The more I am selective, the more I am effective.

This means the less we do, the more effective we will be at everything we are doing.

By keeping this at the forefront of my own mind, I have already determined an exciting new business goal. (I can’t wait to tell you about it as it unfolds. You are going to loooove it!)

And as I move forward toward creating this new project, I am using this mantra as my guiding force.

It means no extra fluff.

It means if the project gets to be too out of control and there are too many moving pieces, we are cutting those out.

It means we take risks–but the risks don’t complicate matters, they actually simplify things.

I’m really excited about what is shaking out in 2019 over here.

What about you? Do you think you need to be more selective with your time and energy and not so married to the idea that things have to be hard in order to be worthwhile?

Tell me ONE thing you are going to STOP doing because it’s hard and not an effective use of your time. Then, tell me ONE thing you can start doing that would be an Inspired Action. (Can be super small!)

I can’t wait to hear from you! Be sure to leave me a comment below.

Also, have you gotten your copy of Mantras In Motion yet?

As I mentioned, I have a whole chapter on Inspired Action. Here is what one reader had to say about the book recently:

Beautifully written and helpful book on transforming your life! I got this book the day it came out and I am loving it. It is easy to read and interactive, there are journaling prompts to help you with your specific goals, and movement for your body on top of that. I’m loving this book, I highly recommend it to anyone ready to take the leap of faith and transform your life!” -Nora

And this:

“Mantras in Motion is a game-changer; its principles will truly change the way you approach making changes in your life. The brilliance behind Mantras in Motion can be found in Erin’s core philosophy: That moving our bodies creates movement in our lives. I have experienced so many positive and healthy changes since implementing the principles in this wonderful book. Do yourself a favor and buy this book. Read it and watch the magic unfold in your own life.” -Bethanne

Let’s get you moving into Inspired Action!


P.S. You can pick up your copy of Mantras In Motion right here. And you can still get my free bonus manifesting tools that could be put to use today!

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  1. Candy Futrell says:

    Thank you so much for this program and book. I feel so much stronger physically, emotionally and mentally. I am more confident in my decisions and do not feel afraid I’m always making the wrong choice. As a reformed people pleaser (thanks to your programs) I am more selective in my actions and so much happier in my daily life.

  2. Jagdeep Kaur says:

    Have habit to check social media and browsing before going to bed. Working towards to view or follow selective posts and videos and don’t spend unnecessary times watching all kind of videos. As Erin said, have to be selective and become more effective and go to sleep on time 🙂

    • erin says:

      I have started the habit of seething all social media from my phone after 9pm and putting it back on in the am. It helps!!

  3. Wendy Monaco says:

    Erin! I have been following you for several years…From soul stroll to Mantras in Motion! Just had to stop and say Thank You💖
    Love your energy, your thoughts, and your inspiration. And you have led me to many other incredibly beautiful women like Jey and Emily.
    My dream is to be a soulful thought leader and teacher like you ladies. And by the way, burpees are way overrated!!! Much love, Wen

  4. Kitzie says:

    Hello Erin, and thanks for the very amusing blog post on burpees. Given their prevalence in exercise programs such as Bikini Belly, it would be great to read some helpful pointers from you on how to modify them to be useful and safe for those of us who exercise regularly. And more specifics on what to avoid.

    The only option I’ve discovered so far is the “burpee walk-out”: extending one leg at a time to the back, into a high plank. But I’d sure like to learn about other options. Thanks for all your great work!

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