The BEST Way to Make Decisions

This past week I made a big decision.

After hemming and hawing, wondering and analyzing, it felt really good to put my foot down and step forward. I will share that decision with you in just a second.

But not long ago, I would have considered myself a terrible decision maker. In fact, most of the time I would let Life decide things for me so that I didn’t have to do it. As in, wait to the last minute until the option was no longer there but then say, “Guess that just wasn’t for me!” Sound familiar?!

It didn’t matter the level of importance of the decision. Almost all decisions would cause me a certain amount of anxiety and inner turmoil.

Do I go out to dinner with friends or stay in? Do I invest into my business with this program or not? Should I skip dessert or will have feel like I missed out on something delicious?

To put it bluntly, it was both my fear of missing out and my addiction to perfectionism that would keep me stuck on the hamster wheel of indecision.

Somewhere in my mind, I convinced myself that there actually was a PERFECT and a less than perfect choice with every move I made and if there was such a thing, I better choose the perfect one.

If you are someone who has struggled with indecision or PERFECTIONISM, I am sharing the simple process I use to help me make all decisions that come my way.

It makes me feel like a super star decision maker, which is a far cry from where I used to be.

So back to my decision.

I decided that this is the last time I am running Magical Manifesters  as a live course. 

We will begin this coming Monday (Sept 29th) and after that, I won’t be offering it in this form again.

It has been such an honor to get to know almost EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has come through the course and support them each and every time they set up new goals and plans.

If you have felt stuck in a rut and not allowed yourself to face your creative dreams, or you are someone who loves to make lists and lists, but struggles with follow through, or you simply feel hopeless in some particular area of your life (love, business or otherwise), please take a moment to keep reading.

The women below are just like you and have found a HUGE shift in their lives through the Magical Manifester course.

You can learn more about Magical Manifesters, HERE.

With Magical Love,



Lisa Adams, chef + blogger.

I wasn’t a good finisher. I was just a good starter of things. Still working on it, but MM gives me a way to connect the dots until I get to the end.

MM made me commit to making $12,000 more a year the first time I did it. The next time I increased my income by another 12K. I got my website up, I applied mm to starting the blog.

The exercises feel like your favorite subject in school with your favorite teacher and your best friends in that class. And when you do well your paper is posted for all to see. And you’re constantly admiring each other’s gold stars.


Mary Archbold, business owner, improv actor.

My biggest challenge before Magical Manifesters was the fact that I didn’t believe things were ever going to change. I had been in a rut for so long and had to face the fact that I hadn’t given myself permission to pursue my artistic ambitions.

After taking Magical Manifesters, I HAVE LEFT MY DAY JOB! I have launched a business that speaks to me as an artist and a mom.

[True Play Improv: a fun class where Parents and kids improvise together while Listening, Agreeing and Laughing.  And my class was named by Time Out NY kids as one of the top 30 classes for kids. ]

In this past year, I have been blessed to have performed in 3 plays Off Broadway with some Pulitzer Prize and Tony winning playwrights, developed two new stage shows, got a new agent and best of all, I had my second son.

I am profoundly changed by having Erin’s work in my life. The course unfolded many desires that I had long silenced in my heart. I found me again.

About midway through the course I was so excited at the choices that were opening up but I struggled with one major conflict. All these dreams of the career I really wanted but the innermost desire to have another child.

In MM we tend to focus on one or two areas of our lives. I was so focused on my career work yet my yearning for the family picture I wanted was still there. So why not include it all together. 2 months later I was pregnant. My now 2 kids are sleeping in the room next door as I write this and my next email will be answering someone who wants to bring my improv classes to their family facility. My future is now what I make it. I am finding nuggets of gold everywhere I look.


Casey Erin Clark, business owner, actor

I am the (self-appointed) queen of inspiration–what I struggle with is follow-through.  I love lists, I love ideas, I love visualizing the future, I love all of it, but being a perfectionist means that I am very comfortable when those lovely hazy ideas stay ideas and not tangible, imperfect results.

The Magical Manifester community has been outstanding. As a busy married gal, I found it difficult to make time to invest in female friendships. Through MM, I am now a part of a tight-knit group of ladies who meet regularly to keep each other accountable (KEY for this procrastinator!), hash out ideas, support each other through the rough stuff, and celebrate each others’ wins.

What MM continues to deliver to me in so many ways is CLARITY–clarity of purpose, clarity of resources, clarity of desire.  And my goals have shifted and changed throughout the few times I’ve taken it!  With this clarity comes an amazing sense of personal responsibility and empowerment.

What took the course to the next level was seeing other women working through the same stuff, supporting each other, bouncing around ideas, etc.  As someone who has always been more responsible keeping her commitments to other people than her commitments to herself, this was game changing for me.

Kate Williamson

I felt so hopeless in relation to my love life, I felt damned if I did and damned if I didn’t.

I used to worry about my love life 80% of the time. Now it’s less than 1% of the time. I think about it but I don’t worry and I feel free for the first time in years.

I have said goodbye to destructive relationship and hello to loving myself. I pinch myself and yet know it was me who did the work expertly guided by Erin.

One of my goals was around ADVENTURE. I have recently returned from a 5-week trip where I saw 5 European countries, including Norway, which was always a dream of mine. I sailed a fjord, climbed a mountain, cruised in Scandinavia, and toured Paris.

I was amazed upon returning home to look on my vision board that I made as part of this course and part of my love books named above – and there many places I had just been, paintings I had just seen – without conscious intention and without having known even where those places or painting were when I put them on my vision board. I was blown away. It was magic! (Read more of Kate’s story HERE.)

I have had several local adventures, which was also part of my goal of exploring my local area like a tourist. I recently was invited to go on a ‘platypus count’ (didn’t even know that existed before) where I canoed up local rivers to count platypus in a stream 5 minutes from where I work. I have also gone rock climbing in my area for the first time.

I have gained self-confidence and self-acceptance, something I have struggled with for years. I have a better relationship with my parents too.

My favorite part of MM was Erin’s energy and belief in me. I believed in Erin and Erin believed in me.

That trust took me forward and Erin gave me the tools to conquer self-doubt and fears at just the right times.

I also loved the conference calls that gave individual attention. Erin is incredibly brave and opens herself up on these calls. Her help is so valuable, so humble and is focused fully on helping you achieve magic.  It truly changed my life.

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