Erin is amazing! I don’t think I could have finished my second book without her workouts. The movement and mantras gave me the bursts of energy I needed!
Kris Carr
NY Times Best Selling Author
Chief Unicorn at all things Crazy Sexy

Someone should warn you, Erin doesn’t just help you transform your body. She’ll help you transform your life! Shrink Session is a full body and spirit makeover. Change has never felt so good!
Jessica Ortner
NY Times Best Selling Author
Creator of Tapping for Weight Loss
and Body Confidence

Erin’s exciting, warm, passionate, and compassionate approach to fitness freed me of any insecurities and inhibitions.
Rebekah Borucki
Author of She Has 4 Minutes
Meditation Guide, Birth Doula, Mom of 5

I have learned confidence, self-worth and faith that I apply to my business and life. I have gotten more clients this wedding season than ever! I didn’t think I could fit one more thing in my hectic schedule. But, after attending one workshop, Erin left me in awe and wanting more! I am managing my life and my business effortlessly without stress and pain!
Fouzia Elidrissi
NYC, NYCEO & Wedding Planner
My Bridal Budget, LLC

I had reached a now-or-never precipice in my life and needed someone to push me over the creative edge… I went from NOT auditioning to auditioning, getting callbacks, performing in the city and last week I filmed my first big commercial… if I could kick myself in the shins for waiting so long (to sign up for coaching), I would.
Christine Cartell

Shrink Session is a brilliant program and I am so grateful to have it in my life! I feel uplifted and cleansed from the inside out every time I partake.
Kelsey Bennett
Cravings master and coach for women on the verge

Before I joined Shrink Session my workouts were mostly yoga. Erin’s workouts were just what I was looking for. Something I could do at home with intention and joy. Five minutes doesn't seem like much, but it can be a life changer, especially if you've got a full schedule.
There are so many times when I've thought my way out of an action—mostly having to do with stepping up in my business—but with Erin's workouts, I am on such an empowerment and inspiration high afterwards that I can take action with ease. And it works!! My energy is in the right place and I see results.
During the past handful of months, Shrink Session has been even more useful to me as I was experiencing an array of health issues. I felt as if my body was rebelling and was angry with me. It probably was! Shrink Session has been an essential part of my recovery, enabling me to let go of the old and create something new.

Erin's experience, wisdom, and heart make her a true leader in the field of inspirational fitness. I've loved Shrink Session from the first moment, and continue to share it with my tribe because it works.
Alex Jamieson
Author of Women, Food and Desire

With Erin’s workout, I found a power inside myself I had forgotten existed. I let go of baggage that I’d been lugging around for years.
Dr. Samantha Brody
Naturopathic Physician and
Licensed Acupuncturist

The moment I met Erin Stutland, I wanted to be friends with her and feel even half as fierce as she looked. I was totally hooked! Since the first class I took of hers, we have developed a powerful friendship, I adore this woman to my core and admire how beautifully she is sharing how to be fit while still loving yourself during the entire journey. I can't wait to see what she creates next!
Nitika Chopra
Talk Show Host + Self Love Expert

Erin is the epitome of strength, beauty and inspiration. We all know that exercise creates better health, but we don't always do it. Erin actually changes your belief system about exercise, and gets you off the couch and moving! In her unique programs, she expertly guides women on how to live more mindfully and with purpose, while helping them get in shape. Working with Erin will create massive shifts not only in your physical fitness, but in all areas of your life! I feel so lucky to call her a colleague and a dear friend, AND I never miss a Shrink Session class in NYC!
Nicole Jardim
Certified Women's Health Coach

Shrink Session has inspired me to believe in myself and to apply for and train for the Boston marathon which I was accepted into and will be running in 18 more, I cannot fail because I am willing.
Kevin Decoteau
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Before Shrink Session, I had been feeling lost and no clear direction to move to and an emptiness in my life. My daughter had graduated college and was developing her own life, but still living with me. I was feeling not needed anymore—at least in a way I had been used to for the last 20+ years. I needed something to get me back on track—something that was for me.
I had to realize that there is nothing wrong with investing time and energy into my own life and spirit. My biggest “aha” moment was figuring out that I had to put my intentions out into the world and then let them go, doing my best to not think about them. I once heard that if you have to say a prayer twice, you lack faith; this process has been a test of faith and I have been rewarded.

We were able to get pregnant, but not stay pregnant. The mantra “what I seek is also seeking me” resonated deeply with me.
Carolann Carty
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I have tried every type of exercise that exists. I would have some success and then I would falter. But Shrink Session is different. It has the online Facebook community—a support group—and Erin is always in your corner. Erin encourages you to just show up for yourself and do what you can. The mantras help me to continue trying the exercises when I would have previously quit.
At one time, I had fertility issues. We were able to get pregnant, but not stay pregnant. The mantra “what I seek is also seeking me” resonated deeply with me. The mantras helped me to come to terms with the greater plan, to understand that what was meant to be would find a way, and to have faith in the universe. This helped me calm my mind and maintain an eye on the prize mentality which enabled me to make better choices on our path to creating our family. I am happy to report I gave birth to a health baby girl!
Soul Stroll gave me a way to turn the dial and shift my focus to the positive and it helped me get out of my head while working out. Instead of replaying all the negatives and worries of the day, I had positives to focus on!

Shrink Session made working out fun again. Not only is Erin a fantastic motivator, but the online community for this program is full of some amazing human beings!
Amanda B. Coppola
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In the Shrink Session community, I finally got that it’s ok for this tough New Yorker to be vulnerable. By checking in, as well as listening to others’ stories, I have experienced how cathartic it can be to share oneself. Whether it is a success, concern or something causing pain, it is so great to let it out and even better to let it out amongst your tribe. I have also lightened up in my attitude about fitness and know that I can structure it how I want, when I want, and I can choose how intense I want to make it.
I love movement, and Shrink Session has empowered me to stay connected to exercise anytime, anywhere! I also love the entire design and delivery of the program. Erin's leadership as an entrepreneur has inspired my own belief in what I am capable of achieving, as well as the inspiration to share more of who I am in my work, in my life, and in my attitude towards life!

Shrink Session has changed my way of thinking about health and fitness, but mostly about acceptance. I am truly trying to accept the body I am in now, while trying to take care of it in the best way I know how. My focus is now about feeling strong, powerful, balanced, at ease...not how much I weigh, or what size I am. I am working on myself from the inside out.
Barbara Dulong
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Before Shrink Session, I felt bored with my usual gym workouts; I was doing the same thing for a year without seeing or feeling any results. I ended my gym membership and was at a loss trying to figure out my next move. I was feeling frustrated, as I have been trying to get back in shape for the past 5 years and I felt as if I had tried everything. I was also feeling very unmotivated at work and dreading it each day. Even though I was getting plenty of sleep, I would wake up tired.
But now I love that I am strong. I love that I can do 7 hour shifts of deep tissue massage with energy, and my joints no longer ache. Shrink Session has also inspired me to have the courage to look deep inside myself. I know I have lots of work to do to figure out who I am, and what I want. But now I do not dread the work, and I am not pressuring myself to do it. I just know I will.

I have lost 40 lbs since starting Erin’s classes! The biggest contributing factor, honestly, has been mindfulness and love of self. What I mean by that is, I know that healthy eating and exercise contribute to weight loss. But it was Erin’s class that helped me do those things, for the first time, because I WANTED to.
Julie Hoplamazian
Pastor, Queens NY

My perspective of how I look at and run my personal training business is forever CHANGED!
Nicole Smith Goldberg
Personal Trainer
Yoga Teacher
Meditation Teacher

I authored 2 books and launched my own business as a direct result of Erin's influence. Shrink Session has been an incredibly transformational experience for me. I feel like a wall inside me has crumbled and all this awesomeness just keeps shining out!
Michelle Lewis
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I primarily use Shrink Session as a "tune up" for my curvy bod. I just move & groove, sweat and give myself some loving mantras! I work out in my private home studio a few days a week. My favorite thing ever are the Soul Strolls. SO GOOD.
My favorite mantra is "I will feel the fear, and I will do it anyway!" BOOM! I don't waste any more precious time staying stuck and letting fear get the best of me. There's so much more I want to do, to see, to experience, and there's NO FREAKING WAY that I'm going to shrivel up on the sidelines. Do I still get anxiety? Of course. But I also get to lean into it, tell myself that it's going to be OK, and leap faithfully into whatever I want to do.

Working out with Erin is like being around your bestie, the one who brings out the best in you and supports you no matter what. And like a bestie, she leaves you feeling so grateful you have one and excited for the next Shrink Session!
Jenna Robino

Shrink Session has inspired me to keep on keepin' on! Erin is THE best. When I'm doing the 45-minute Shrink Sessions, it's like she's here in my living room encouraging me to keep going. She is genuine. And she walks the talk. If Inspiration and Motivation had a love child, it would be Erin! She's truly been one of my greatest blessings these past 9 months.
Beth Laster
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My greatest challenge to overcome was fully accepting that I'm very important to a lot of people as well as to my businesses so I MUST take care of myself. It's not being selfish - it's being responsible. It's honoring myself and those I take care of and love. My self-care is non-negotiable. Also, I almost didn't join because I was afraid the exercises would be too advanced for my age and health condition (fibromyalgia). There are a few moves that don't agree with my body so I just modify and keep going!
Shrink Session has changed my life in so many ways, on so many levels, I can't even quantify it. It's been a miracle for me. It helped me focus on what is most important and that is my health and well-being. Duh! I already knew that, but I wasn't walking my own talk. This program helped me get back on track in a fun and powerful way. I love that I've regained my focus, my energy and I'm taking really good care of myself. I love that my slimmer, trimmer body has been pain free and it looks pretty darn good for a woman in her (slightly older than) mid 5's! I lost 17 lbs in less than two months, and no major fibro flare-ups at all!

I’m a huge fan of Erin Stutland’s Shrink Session - it is truly a one-of-a-kind mind & body experience.I’ll be honest, the first time I did it, I wanted to leave after 10 minutes. It was so hard! But after I mentally pushed myself through it, I felt like a million dollars. Now I can’t stop coming back for more.
If you want fast results, Shrink Session is hands-down the best cardio workout I can think of. I guarantee that you’ll have a blast!
Selena Soo
Founder, S2 Groupe

Erin has an amazing ability to make a grueling workout fun so you feel your outlook lifting right along with your ass. EVERYTHING is improved!
Nicola Weir
Author of Nanny Diaries

Erin is a powerhouse of fitness mastery, spiritual guidance, inspiration, and support. Physically challenging and demanding, her classes are packed with mindshifting techniques, ideas and practices to expand the body and the mind.
Chelsea Conard Pattison
Holistic Health Coach

Shrink Session has given me the opportunity to start to see the wonderful person that I truly am. She has been buried under so much “stuff” for so long that I almost forgot who she is. It will take me time to completely unbury her, but man I’ve got a great start!
Robin Porter
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Shrink Session and Erin have helped open my eyes to the idea that much of what we have been taught as women and humans about how to be successful and happy is wrong. We are told to try harder, be smarter and more beautiful and to be anyone but our goofy, joyful, genuine selves! We are constantly judging each other as well as ourselves, striving for the one thing that always seems to be elusive…happiness! We are taught that if something is easy, it isn’t right, not worth it or a scam. Erin turns that idea on its head. She showed me that in fact it doesn’t have to be hard! Decisions can be easy! Feeling good can be easy! You have to honor yourself and your intentions and desires. And the mantras combined with active movement help you get past the self-doubt and criticism.
With Shrink Session, I know I can find a mantra and a workout that will help me explore my thoughts and feelings and work through the emotions around them. The mantras help focus and calm my mind. And by doing them while running, working out or with the flow sessions at the end of the workouts, it allows me to sort of think without thinking. I can just relax into the movements of my body and allow the mantras to settle in. Some days the flow just comes, sometimes not so much. But I feel better after regardless!

Erin has inspired me in endless ways, she has created a safe place for me to face my demons and take them on. Her words of wisdom make me want to keep going and keep pushing. Since starting her program I am more mindful and more conscious about being grateful.
Kathy Windsor
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Before I started Shrink Session, I felt excited and anxious. I usually start programs with a gung-ho attitude and then quickly get bored, anxious, or apprehensive because I have tried so many programs and they all fell short. This program has made me realize that I don't have to have an all or nothing attitude, and that my best may be different day to day.
My biggest challenge is accepting me, as is. My biggest success is that I have been a Shrinker for 2+ years and I have made being healthy a lifestyle. And I know now when I fall I can get back up. I’ve now completed a 15K!