10,000 Steps A Day Keeps the Blues Away

As you know, I live in NYC where I walk ALL. THE. TIME.

But, because I am in LA for the rest of the month, where well, nobody walks, I have noticed that my booty and my mind are needing some serious lovin’. I can feel the lack of steps in more ways than one.  

I know that walking is one of the best ways to transform my body, but more importantly it is always when I come up with the best ideas, I feel more in flow, my digestion is better, I am less bloated and my cravings subside.

So I am challenging myself to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. And like I said, I want you to join me.

It’s called the #SoulStroll10K Challenge.

Watch this short video to learn more. 

And trust me when I say it’s not so easy to get those steps in in LA. So, if you are struggling to make time for walking, I am with you! Mama as to work for them steps and I thought it would be more fun if we all did it together.

After you watch the video, leave me a comment by saying “I’m In!”

You can post on Instagram or Facebook and be sure to tag me and use the hashtag #SoulStroll10k.

I am looking forward to Soul Strollin’ with you, wherever in the world YOU are!

With love,

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