The Movement is HERE!

I’ve hinted. I’ve teased. I’ve done my best to keep the biggest thing I’ve ever created for you a secret.

But now? It’s time to shout it from the rooftops —


After creating workout programs, Soul Strolls, meditations and a book, you have continually asked for more! You want more tools to add to your arsenal for healthy living that nurtures your whole self.

This. Is. It.

You are tired of being told that happiness comes if you just lost those extra 15 lbs.

You are smart enough to know that what you put in your body in the way of fuel, is just as important as what you put in your mind.

You know that success comes when all systems are running together (your mind, your body and your soul), and that it is not enough to just hope for the best.

The Movement is your VIP ticket to greater energy, elevation, and ease to help create happiness, success and confidence in your body and mind on a daily basis.

Start with more than 40 mantra-powered workouts, Soul Strolls, meditations, recipes, and more…in one incredibly easy-to-access membership.

It’s a jam-packed library of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 45-minute workouts, many of which combine movement with mantras.

It’s access to every Soul Stroll I’ve recorded.

It’s soul-centered, grounding meditations.

And it’s so.much.more…all organized into daily programs that will strengthen your body AND awaken your mind in as little as 5 minutes — from your desktop, tablet, mobile device, or smartTV. (Yes, it’s available everywhere!)

But the real gold? Is that you’ll be able to freshen up your movement + mindset work as I release brand new content on a monthly basis.

As a member of The Movement, you’ll get immediate and exclusive access to all new content I create — from new workouts, Soul Strolls, meditations, recipes, and more, you can expect lots of new goodies from us each and every month.

Did I mention how incredibly excited I am to get this in your hands?

I stole away for a few minutes to my kitchen during Mighty K’s naptime to tell you more about it here:


The Movement provides what you need to calm your mind, move with intention, and feel more joy with my guidance every day. From wherever you are.

Are you ready to live your life in a steady, consistent state of love, joy, ease, and peace?

See what it’s all about + join me in The Movement today with a 7-day, free trial. 

But don’t delay! When you start your free trial today, you lock in upgrade access at our exclusive Founder’s Rate — for life.

A win for your health + happiness; a win for your wallet. This rate is the lowest we’ll ever offer…and it’s only available through next Wednesday, 7/31!

Questions? Just leave a comment below. Team Stutland + I will happily put the brakes on our epic launch dance party to chat with you!

With love,

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