My Almost New Year Plan

How are you feeling on these last few days of the New Year?

If you are feeling anything like me during this time, you are in mellow mode, bordering on la-ease. It’s like la-zy, but it’s much nicer, no? I’ll be candid in saying I don’t feel much like doing anything aside from cuddling under my cozy covers and only going out to catch up on the latest movie releases. (Zero Dark Thirty is on tonight’s agenda).

Rather than forcing or pushing myself (I have learned that that usually results in my own personal rebellion), I am riding the ‘chill’ wave, knowing a big surge of  ‘let’s take some action’ will come soon enough. Now is the time to go inside. I trust that deeply.

So with that, here is my plan for the next few days:

1.    Clear the next few mornings of any obligations, as this when I AM MOST INSPIRED.

2.    Do some sort of a light movement, remember I am feeling la-ease. (In case you haven’t seen my free Thigh + Booty Workout, YOU CAN DO IT HERE)

3.    After moving my body, set myself up with a big cup of English Breakfast or Assam tea.

4.    Crack open my new notebook. I love this ONE. It is oversize and lined. So I can take up a lot of space while staying fairly organized.

5.    Press play on THIS spotify playlist. For chillin’ + feelin’.

6.    Go to town on THIS DREAM GENERATOR worksheet I am sharing with you today.  It asks thought provoking questions about everything from what you want to let go of in 2012 as well as what you want to call in.

If you would like to do a little dreaming, feel free to download that baby and have your own journaling jam session to help the creative juices flow freely. I know spending an hour isn’t enough to plan your entire year, but it will certainly start moving you in the right direction. After all, intention is everything.

So, what will you do between now and the New Year? If you have anything you are really excited about or rituals that light you up, share it in the comments.

Here is to a happy and healthy New Year!

With love,

P.S. Want to workout together, but don’t live in NYC? Shrink Session online is HERE and READY FOR YOU!

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6 Responses to My Almost New Year Plan

Hey Gorgeous, You'll Love these too!