How to Upgrade Your Life

Holy moly. August is here tomorrow. I am already starting to think about the fall and planning some new exciting projects, but of course, I too want to soak in the sun and summer before “school” starts again.

Lately, on my morning walks, I have been asking the question (to myself, to god, Shiva, angels, whoever will listen:), how do I EXPAND? (No, not physically, you know I am all about shrinkin’ yo bod) I mean how do I expand emotionally, spiritually, financially? How do I make space for more or even better circumstances to come into my life?

So often we know what we want, but we don’t know how to get from point A to B. The steps aren’t clear to us, we just know that we want more. MORE, GREATER, IMPROVED… I want it now!

What I am learning is that this wanting of MORE often leads to a WHAT CAN I GET mentality. By that, I mean we start to focus on how we can get more stuff, a better body, more money, a better relationship. (Look, you are a human being and so naturally, you want to grow and expand, it’s alright. You can admit you fall into this category. I sure as hell do.)

However, once GETTING becomes our focus, I can almost guarantee that the energy flow in your life starts to get a little sticky. You start to feel out of sync, weighted down. Inspiration falls flat on it’s bum.

What I have discovered, and continued to get reminded of everyday, is that the answer to the GETTING is actually in the GIVING.

In today’s video I talk about UPGRADING your life. I know you want more. I know you want to be better, feel better, look better. As I said, it is in your nature. So, YES, let’s upgrade what needs upgrading.

But let’s see if we can UPGRADE, not from a place of getting, but rather, a place of GIVING.

“Only what you have not given can be lacking in any situation.” -A Course in Miracles (Yeah, I watched Marianne Williamson on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday. Did you?)

I am hoping this new perspective on UPGRADING your life inspires some new actions from a place of GIVING rather than GETTING. And, if you have an iphone, you are going to enjoy the analogy I use. (I also do a little signature dancin’.)

And as always, your comments in the blog are invited. Tell me one area of your life you want to upgrade and one thing/action you are going to take in order to upgrade that very thing.

Cue Beyonce Upgrade U: “Partner let me upgrade u, flip a new page Introduce u to some new things and Upgrade u, I can up, can I up, let me upgrade u Partner let me upgrade u.”

Enjoy your week + keep letting the sunshine in!


P.S. Tomorrow, WEDNESDAY AUG. 1 is the last SHRINK SESSION class of August. (6:30pm at Chelsea Studios, 151 W. 26th) We will resume Sept. 5th, so come and get your Shrink on. First class is free.


Sign up now!

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Hey Gorgeous, You'll Love these too!