Get Unstuck and Find Your Flow

Yesterday we had a snow day in NYC.

Sometimes, they are actually nice, because you have an excuse not to go anywhere.

But, my mood was reflecting the weather. I was feeling stuck.


I had a mound of things to do.

Guess what?

I wanted to do none of them.

You see, this happens to me from time to time.

It’s in these times that I can lose the plot.

I get disconnected from my purpose, my energy, my inspiration.

I start to question myself, my actions, my direction.

And so, I have a tendency to go inwards.

Which makes the whole thing worse. Because you can’t solve a problem by overthinking it or living in your own cave.

In the past, this kind of day would have worried me greatly.

Because when I was in my twenties and would get stuck, I would stay there for a VERY long time.

You might recognize it as depression.

Yes. I think that is the correct way to categorize it.

I would get stuck on something.

I would go inward.

I would isolate.

My feelings of stuckness would perpetuate.

And hence it was a vicious cycle that I didn’t know how to get out of.

It also resulted in something I called stoppy-starty syndrome.

It’s when you start something with enthusiasm and then stop, simply because you either lost the oomph or just got to a hard part in the process.

Then, you beat yourself up for never finishing what you started.

Can you relate to any of this?

But, the salve for when you are feeling uninspired, stuck, unclear or frustrated is not to PUSH

Pushing makes it worse. And it doesn’t bring you any closer to what you really want.

The trick is to figure out how to find a flow.

So in order to solve my stoppy-starty stuckness, I created a method that would allow me to stay in flow.

And then, I started to share this with other people in my community. Because I knew they were struggling with the same thing.

And it just so happens, that the method I created worked, 100% of the time.

When people followed the steps I gave them, one foot in front of the other, they not only were no longer stuck, but they were making some really big things happen. (Ok, I’ll admit, I was amazed.)

My actor friends were booking jobs. My business friends were attracting clients. My single friends were attracting people who were right for them.

This process that was honed over several years, was turned into a course called Magical Manifesters: Less Hustle, More Flow. 

Before I ever shared it with the online world, I tested and tested it with people IN PERSON, so that I could learn first-hand what worked and what didn’t work in terms of helping people clarify their goals and then create an action plan to get there.

WARNING: This course will likely demolish any excuses you might have about getting things done.

And truth be told, sometimes we like to hold on to our excuses, because they help us feel safe.

Get Unstuck and Find Your Flow

This process will help you tear down those excuses one by one so that you feel 100% confident about each and every step you are going to take to move you towards your dreams.

This is the LAST time I will be running this course in THIS version. There will be a new version released in the fall that will have a BIG price increase.

Right now, the original fresh version is ON SALE (saving $100!!!) one last time.

And, the best part is that this time it will be LIVE. Which means I will be going through it with you and taking ALL your questions on our live Q + A calls. (We start Feb 20th, but you can go at your own pace!)

Here is what one participant had to say about it:

“I didn’t know what was blocking me, but MM forced me to take a good hard look at what was standing in my way–and instead of blaming external forces, I realized that I was the only one standing in my way.
Magical Manifesters ended up jumpstarting dreams and desires I didn’t even realize I had.

My time management skills have improved drastically, I have clear cut tasks towards achieving my goals, and also a burning desire to succeed has returned.

And, I am SO much more productive! I would recommend this course to others in a heartbeat. In fact, take it twice!” -Brittany Lynn Murphy

The cart is open until next Friday, then you won’t see this price or this course ever again. For reals.

Leave a comment about where you’ve been stuck lately or if you have any questions about the program




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