The most important thing to do when you feel like doing NOTHING

Have you had times when you’re just not feeling it? Ya know… just IT.

You are not excited about what’s comin’ round the bend. There is no spark that tickles your insides about a new project or idea. That va va voom about your life in general feels va va blah.

If anything you feel more like Morales from A Chorus Line.

I dug right down to the bottom of my soul
To see what I had inside Yes,
I dug right down to the bottom of my soul
And I tried, I tried.

They all felt something
But I felt NOTHING
Except the feeling
That this bullshit was absurd.

Let me lay down the truth, friend.  There most certainly have been times when that song has played on repeat in my mind.

I didn’t wanted to push myself into action or force myself into places and events that might be ‘good’ for my career or even my soul.

There have been stretches where I am not particularly jazzed about what’s on the docket and inspiration is not my middle name.

I sit down to write and brilliance feels miles away. There is no strong point of view dying to be expressed.

I feel dull. Boring. Flat. Major le sigh.

And I won’t claim I like it.

In fact, it maddens me.

Because I like and appreciate my oomph. I feel better when I am motivated, have vision and strong feelings to go with that vision.

But this is not always my reality.

You might be thinking, “How dare she tell the truth about that! Every creative entreprenuer in the wellness field should be happy, fulfilled and creatively inspired All. The. Time.”

Unfortunately, it’s a gross misconception and a mistake to think that just because you are on the path to spiritual awakening filled with green juice and mantras, you are immune to humdrum, boring, don’t feel like doing a damn thing days. Maybe even weeks. Or months.

But, I want to be VERY clear about what I believe must happen during these times of nothingness.

You must still show up.

Despite not WANTING to do much of anything… motivate.

Show up to the computer to write.
Show up to class to teach.
Show up to the audition to sing, dance or act.
Get dressed every morning, even if it is just your yoga pants.
Do your morning pages.
Write your gratitude lists.
Drink your green juice.
And I still, call your Mom.

You may not do it perfectly and your actions may not produce any visible traction in the moment or even in moments after, but do them.

Showing up and giving 50% of your best is more than if you didn’t show up at all. 

And as Billy Preston said in his 1974 Billboard Hit:

“Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.”

If you don’t show up, nothing happens. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

If you find motivation and DO show up, because you never know what little spark might be generated.

The most important part in creating a life you love, which in essence is your greatest work of art, is showing up.

Sit down everyday and try.

Sit down everyday and try.

Sit down everyday and try.

Just. Do. Something.

Now it’s your turn. Using the comment section below, fill in the blank statement by leaving a comment.

Today, I will spend 30 minutes doing _____________, despite not really feeling like doing anything at all. I may be burnt, sad, uninspired or unfocused, but today, I will sit down and try. I will just do something.

Here’s mine.

Today, I will spend 30 minutes putting together a survey for all my readers (YOU) to fill out in a coming post. Despite not feeling motivated to on my business today, I will sit down, try and just do something.

Add your comments and tell us what you are going to do today.

Then get to it.



P.S. Don’t want until inspiration strikes. You have the ability to generate inspiration right now. This 3 min exercise will help. So come on over.

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