How To Stay Worry Free

I’m here, listening to the waterfall outside, cozy in my slippers, taking in the fall air.

I’m practicing something.

You see, while I’m naturally a fairly laid back person, I LOVE to worry.

Well, I actually hate it, but you would think I loved it based on how often I do it.

I’ll get an idea stuck in my head and the worry will start. It could be about my kids, my husband, my health, my kid’s and husband’s health.

The list goes on.

Right now, you might be feeling a little extra worry.

Maybe you feel that tightness in your chest as we get closer to the U.S. Presidential election.

Or maybe you’re not worried about that at all. I trust you have your own list of worries.

Between the news, social media, and swirling opinions, life can feel full-on. It’s easy to spiral into worry, even about things beyond politics.

But there’s a practice I come back to. It’s made all the difference. Eckhart Tolle puts it perfectly:

“Do you have a problem now? Narrow your life down to this moment. Your life situation may be full of problems—most life situations are—but find out if you have any problem at this moment. Not tomorrow or in ten minutes, but now.”

He’s not denying life’s messiness or our real worries. He’s just reminding us that often, the weight we feel is from the future. It’s the story we create about things we can’t control.

Try This

Ask yourself, “What’s happening right now?”

Are you safe? Are you breathing? Is your coffee warm? Maybe your pet is curled up beside you. Bringing your focus to this moment helps let go of the “what ifs” about the future.

Chill Out and Ground Yourself

Staying present isn’t always easy, especially when things feel high-stakes. Here are a few quick ways to get grounded:

  • Check in with your breath: Take a slow, deep breath. Just breathe.
  • Notice three things around you: Look around and pick three things you can see, hear, or feel. For me, it’s the sound of the waterfall, the coziness of my slippers, and that crisp fall air. These little things remind me this moment is okay.
  • Take one small action: When you start spiraling, try something tiny. Write a thought down, organize a drawer, or text a friend. Small actions shift our energy in big ways.

Let Go of What You Can’t Control

So, when those “what ifs” start to creep in, ask yourself: Do I have a problem right now?

You might just find the answer surprises you.

I find this question particularly helpful when I wake up worrying at 4am.

Need a little extra grounding? Here’s a free link to one of my favorite Soul Strolls. Give it a try.

Thank you for letting me drop into your inbox today. My hope is always to inspire you, warm your heart a bit, and support you in finding more ease—in both your body and your life.

With love,

P.S. I find music also really helps when I start to get ruffled. Here’s a playlist I created for a workout called I Have Faith. Take it for a walk, workout out to it, or just play it in the background.

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