how to set money goals

Welcome to Spring! I couldn’t be happier about this amazing weather in NYC. 

Today, I am coming to you from my roof deck, where I just finished an amazing workout of my own after I trained a client up there. (I show you 4 of my favorite workout moves right in the beginning of the vid!)

Have a look, then keep reading, because I am introducing you to my friend and Financial Freedom Coach, Karie Hill. What I love about Karie is that she gives it to you straight, but it’s like talking to your best friend who just happens to be an expert when it comes to finances.

Is your best girlfriend a money expert? If she is not, meet Karie. She is about to serve you some money 411 with a dose of love.

Your Top 2 Juicy Money Questions
by Karie Hill

 Q: How do I put myself on a budget?

 A: Why do you want to create a budget? Just saying you want a budget is like saying you want to go on a diet. It usually doesn’t last more than a few days and you’re left feeling deprived and ready to give up.

To create a budget, or a spending plan, you have to dig a little deeper.

Are you…

  • Overspending
  • Living paycheck to paycheck
  • Wanting to save more
  • Tired of being in debt

If any of these scenarios apply, look at why you’re overspending. Are you bored, lonely, stressed?

Are you living paycheck to paycheck or in debt because your living expenses are too high or you’re not getting paid enough at work.

Why do you want to save money? A new house, emergency account, pole dancing classes, a great vacation…

Get specific on how much you need and write out the actual dollar amount for your saving’s goal.

When you get clear on why you want to create a budget and what you want your life to look like, sticking to a spending plan or budget is so much easier and a lot of fun (Yes, it really can be fun!).

Q: What do I with this chunk of tax money?

A: It’s that time of year and I’ve been getting lots of questions about what to do with the extra money.

Our first instinct is to throw it all in savings or put it all towards our debt. Here’s what happens –

You don’t leave any cushion for things that come up outside of your normal monthly expenses. As a result, you end up taking from your savings or forced to use your credit card.

Here are 3 things you can do to plan the best way to use that money:

1.Look ahead the next 4-6 months. Make a list of upcoming birthdays, parties, showers, weddings, or trips that you’ll need money for and write out how much you’ll need for each thing.

Deposit that amount in your checking account so when those expenses come up, you’re already ready for them.

Depending on your financial situation, you can divide the rest between high interest debt and an emergency savings. 

2. Pay off debt with high interest

More than likely, you have a few credit cards with a balance. Look at the card with the highest interest rate and put part of the money towards your debt.

You can also do this with medical bills, personal or student loans.

3. Put the rest towards your emergency savings account

It’s important that you have back up money in case you ever have an unexpected medical expense, car repair, appliance breakdown…

If you haven’t already built your emergency savings account, you can use the rest of the money to go towards this account.

Anytime you ever get extra money, the key is always planning ahead.

Karie Hill is a financial freedom coach, speaker, and writer who believes financial freedom is one of the greatest gifts a woman can give herself. She teaches smart women how build healthy, wealthy money habits, remove their financial barriers, and create the kind of life they really desire. If you’re ready to ‘date’ instead of ‘hate’ your money, head over to and get her FREE guide.

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