How to Organize Your Projects + To Dos

Every September I get a burst of excitement about all the things I want to do in the fall. That excitement is shortly followed by OVERWHELM because of all all of those said things. Where do I begin? How do I keep track of everything? How do I organize my time well enough to get it all done?

Perhaps you too are feeling a little overwhelmed. Maybe you are not sure which idea to start on first. Maybe you have too much to do and not enough time to do it.

I hear you. I often feel the same exact way.

In my last post, I mentioned that another round of Magical Manifesters begins on Sept. 24th. I have extended the early bird special until tomorrow at Midnight.  If you are thinking about the course, jump in on it now as it is the last time I am running it this year.

If you know you are NOT making the most of your time and there are the same 10,000 things on your to do list that there were last month, stop messin’ around, my love.  You have the ability to get clear and get honest with your goals. If not now, WHEN?

Today, I made you a FREE VIDEO where I show you one of MY PERSONAL systems for organizing all of my brilliant ideas. (Yes, I said they were brilliant. Whaddya gonna do ’bout it?:)  

 We don’t want YOUR brilliant ideas swirling around in your head any more. Let’s get you organized sweet thang!

At the end of the video, I give you some clear ACTIONS you can take. Come on over to the blog and leave me a comment. Tell me what follow up you are doing to get organzized OR if you have a system that YOU love.

I think you will enjoy this little diddy. We’ll call it, CLASS IN SESSION, shall we.

Remember you have 24 hours to grab your Early Bird Magical Special. Get it now!

That’s all for today,

Happy Fall!


P.S. Like this video, Magical Manifesters is based on simple, effective strategies that will take you from unorganized and scattered to streamlined and focused. And it is done in a way that won’t compromise your creativity or sense of play. (If you know me, you understand that I like to play. I think it is the best way to accomplish your goals AND serve the world!)


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27 Responses to How to Organize Your Projects + To Dos

Hey Gorgeous, You'll Love these too!