Overcoming Postpartum Depression: Embracing Self-Care and Prioritizing Your Needs

I’m now 8 weeks postpartum.

I contemplated whether or not to share today’s video because I worried I would be judged.

I wondered who might think I’m not noble enough if I told the truth about what I’m prioritizing.

That’s how ingrained it is in our culture when it comes to mothers taking care of themselves first.

I’m doing what I can to prevent postpartum depression and at the same time, I’m worried about being judged for it. How crazy is that?!

This feeling is one I internalize and not anything anyone in this community has ever said or done. But, it’s been taught to us as women in a variety of ways, words, LAWS! and structures and I’m doing everything I can to change it. Within myself first.

With my daughter, I felt the need to do. it. all. You name it, I felt like I needed my hand in all of it.

And now, not only do I not want to do it all. I simply can’t. I don’t have the capacity.

So this choice was a big one for me and I share it in today’s video.

I’m so grateful I made this choice.

And, I’m looking for more ways in which I can break the cycle of me, as a mother, having to do it all.

Now, let’s inspire each other.

In the comments on the post, tell us the ways in which you don’t do it all.

What do you outsource? What ways do you get help? What do you refuse to do that you might be expected to do?

Motherhood or otherwise, this is a huge shift to make as a woman. I applaud you.

With love,

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