This Powerful Mindset Shift Will Change Your Life

I’d been wanting to make the wall leading up the stairs of my house a “gallery” wall for ages.

You know those walls with beautiful family pictures or interesting art?

Well, after over two years of living in the house my wall was still blank!

I could say home decor is not my jam, you know the couches, fabrics, paint colors, curtains, etc.

But really, I find projects that require lots of decision making to be totally overwhelming. So. Many. Choices.

So when it came to selecting the pictures, choosing the frames, figuring out the layout and then actually hanging it, oh my gosh.

Thinking about the project made my head spin.

Hence the blank wall.

Until this past weekend!

I chose a new way of thinking about it.

This one simple mindset shift helped me complete a project I had put off for years!

Part of what was holding me up was the belief that I had to do it perfectly. (Do you sense a theme in my life! I sense one in yours too.)

So I had to give myself a Big Fat Permission Slip.

Here’s what it said:

Do It Badly.

Yes, that’s right. I told myself to just do it badly. Like bad. Let it suck. Big time. Let it be a crappy mess.

Who cares if the pictures weren’t the BEST ones! Or the frames! Or the layout for that matter! Re-spackle the wall if it’s a total disaster! (I knew it wouldn’t be.)

The feeling like I had to get it all “right” was completely holding me back.

I decided it didn’t matter anymore. Do it badly.

Repeating this mantra every time I wanted to stop progress helped me move forward and get it done.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a project or an action that you’ve been putting off for weeks or even years, there’s a very good chance you too think you have to do it perfectly. And thus are afraid of what might happen if you don’t do it perfectly!

Once you give yourself permission to do something badly, you free yourself up. And then…

See how that works?

So, here’s your permission slip to let it be bad. Real bad.

Momentum gets created when you let yourself make a mess.

Not only did I get this project done this weekend, yes, you read that correctly, pictures have been hung! But, I even got my husband involved in helping after I gave him permission to do it badly! (Like me, he has a high standard and wants to do things super duper well!)

With perfect Instagram squares and peoples lives looking like not a single hair or emotion is out of place, we all need permission to be bad.

And messy.

And crappy.

And imperfect.

So, please take this permission slip and run with it.

You deserve to take action.

You deserve to move forward.

You’re allowed to mess up, make mistakes and course correct.

I’m thinking Nike needs to update their tag line to: Just Do It, Badly.

Whaddya think?

Now, it’s your turn. Come on over to this post and tell me what you’re ready to do badly!

When you comment on the post, you don’t have to tell me all the details. Just write two words and then say, Doin’ it badly!

EX: Send email. Doin’ it badly!
EX: Blog post. Doin’ it badly!
EX: Buy kids shoes. Doin’ it badly!

You get the picture. (Pun intended!) Can’t wait to hear from you over the post!

From my messy corner of the Universe to yours,

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