Hi, I’m Erin
I love, and I mean LOVE people with ideas and passion that can change the world.
You MOVE me.
In a nutshell, my job is to move YOU. Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally, Financially, Physically.
I am here to help you get unblocked and unstuck so that you are loving parts of your life you didn’t know you could love. Career? Check! Your body? Check! Your love life? Check! Check! Check!
Manifesting What You Want Through Mindful Movement
Mantras In Motion helps you harness all the body’s mental, physical, and spiritual energy in my tri-fold approach to creating lasting change and manifesting your best life.
Learn how to use your body, your voice and your mind to tap into your passion, clear out negative beliefs, gain courage, and take inspired action toward exactly what you want.