How To Manage Anxiety During Life’s Transitions

Ok, so my daughter started first grade last week.

And I gotta tell you the truth. Leading up to the big day was somewhat unpleasant. It wasn’t terrible or anything, but it wasn’t a calm, peaceful walk on the beach. (For me, not her!)

The best way I could describe it is that as the day got closer, there was a big swirling ball of energy. Imagine a tornado that started slow and then started to spin and spin and spin. The faster the energy got, the more unsettled I became. (Which is funny, because it wasn’t MY first day of first grade! Lol)

The class lists. The mom texts chains. The splitting up of best friends.

But even as we moved closer to the eye of the storm (the first day), I had the awareness that this swirling energy was not just MY anxiety. (Yes, some of it was). Some of it was my daughters.  Some of it was other moms. And some of it was the simple fact that a transition aka stepping in the unknown can be scary.

Because your body only exists in the present moment. There is no you in the future, yet!  And there is no you in the past, anymore. There is only you and your body, right now.

And connecting with this presence is what’s going to slow down the big swirls of energy we all feel as we enter a new season.

One breath.
One movement.
One bend.
One twist
at a time.

If you’re feeling the swirl of energy at the moment, ask yourself these two questions:

1. Are the things that I’m feeling right now MINE or is it possible that I’m picking up other people’s feelings of anxiety? (If you are, it’s totally ok and normal, it’s just about bringing a new level of awareness to that.)

2. What simple movement can I do right now to bring myself back to the present?

Sometimes 10 minutes is all you need to get out of your head and more connected to your body.  A walk, a stretch, a little dance party or of course a 10 minute workout from The Movement.

You’ll notice that when you take the time to connect to YOUR body, you’re able to DISCONNECT from other people’s “stuff” that you might be picking up.

It’s kinda magical.

And I promise you will never regret taking time to move.

Btw, wouldn’t ya know, at the end of the first day, we landed peacefully and safely on solid ground. The swirls of energy suddenly slowed and everything felt restored to a more natural rhythm. She had an excellent start to school and now we are off and running into yet another new season.

Wishing you lots of ease in this transitional season!


P.S. In August, we finished up the 10 min in 10 days challenge inside The Movement.  Here’s what one of the members had to say which I think is totally brilliant, thank you, Ashlee!

“I loved this challenge. Each workout felt like a magic spell – something for letting go of perfection, moving through blocks, releasing stress or overwhelm or anxiety, building strength, and encouraging rest. 10 minute gentle embodiment practices. I needed this reminder to take even a small amount of time each day to be in my body. Thank you!!!”

Here are a few of my new favorite 10 min workouts to support you through transition.

Daily Dance will get you out of your head and totally freed up!
For Deep Sleep will help you get some rest because rest is important during transitions.
Mobility 1 + Mobility 2 will bring you into the present moment and help you release tension in your body.

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