Personal Growth and Wellness

There’s a new Mexican joint…in my pantry!

Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

Meet erin


The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

I have been in the thick of creating Magic with over 100 people who are currently going through the Magical Manifesters course. We are having a blast and cooking with gas!

Speaking of cooking, last I spoke about being in the kitchen, my pantry was bare, I didn’t have a spice to my name and the only cutting knife I had was from 1998.

I was too busy to cook. Didn’t know what I needed to make a good meal and my fridge was filled only with condiments.

But, things have changed, friend. I made a commitment to cook more healthy meals at home and I am like a new person.

Of course, I had the help of my good friend Heather Pierce and her amazing program Go Feed Yourself. Heather teaches you EXACTLY how to get the most out of what you eat, with the least amount of effort. And she is a wild woman in the kitchen.

Today, she joins me in my kitchen, AGAIN, and this time I am prepared, thanks to her last visit.

We are whipping up my absolute, new favorite meal. Black Bean Burrito. Low sodium dinner. No puffy eyes. No more ordering from down the street.

This is quick, easy and of course, DELISH!

If you want more healthy recipes that you can whip up in minutes, visit Heather at Go Feed Yourself.

Home girl will hook you up, so your energy sustains you through all the amazing things you are doing in the world.

Thanks for taking a moment to read and watch. I know you are busy and I am honored to be a part of your day:)


P.S. Are you in need of some one on one support around your career or your business? I have 3 one on one slots open and would love to work with you. Schedule a complimentary session today + read how I can help!

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  1. Absolutely love you two, very entertaining :). And the food looks awesome, I must try!


  2. Alexandra says:

    You gals are even inspirational while making freakin Mexican food! Love it. I’ll be sure to try this recipe really soon and let you know how it is.

  3. Julie says:

    Delicious! Fun and easy. I just made this and really enjoyed it for dinner. Thanks for sharing, Erin!

  4. Wow. That’s a pretty good recipe.

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