Hello, loves!

My goal here is to give you one concept, one tip or one idea that will help you stay motivated, be mindful and keep you moving.

Meet erin


The Mantra That Changed Everything 

How To Decide What You Want

There Is No Wagon To Fall From. Only Life!

Just got back from an AH-mazing retreat in sunny Santa Monica, with Marie Forleo and a group of talented, a** kicking women who are doing/creating some of the sickest LIFE CHANGING things I have ever seen.

I left L.A. feeling on fire!

I had a BAZILLION ideas of things I want to create. (I know it’s not a real number, but I had A LOT of ideas!) BRAINSTORMING, DREAMING. COMING UP with ideas is so much FUN! It feeeels so good. I live for it. It’s yummy, creative, in the moment.

However, as I traveled 3,000 miles back to NY, I had a strange sinking feeling in my stomach. I will be seeing these women several more times throughout the year, so um, HOLY CRAP, I actually have to DO these things.

So now, while I’m watching my Jet Blue direct TV, I’m saying to myself, “What in the HELL were you thinking, Stutland!?”

I suddenly felt paralyzed by A SH*# TON OF FEAR!! FEAR in a major way. I found myself doubting and questioning every thought I had.

How will I pull this off?
Who am I to dream up something big, seriously, who?!
Maybe I am not smart enough, talented enough, courageous enough, good enough.What will people think if they even CARE at all!?!?
What if I FAIL, with a big fat F!!? (this is a HUGE one)

(do any of these sound familiar to you, btw? Yeah, welcome to being HUMAN!)

In L.A. I was EXPANDING, and now, every part of me wanted to contract, retreat, take back what I said, GO HOME.

However, I know PLAYING SMALL is NOT an OPTION! It’s just NOT an OPTION. And I know many of you feel the exact same way!


Well, instead of retreating from the fear, I started to step into IT and FEEEEEL’ IT. Rock out with it! Roll around in it! NO FIXING, CHANGING, or MANIPULATING it, but just JAMMING OUT with the feeling WHILE ALSO MOVING forward AND doing what I said I am going to do.

As actor and creator of Committed Impulse, Josh Pais says, “PARTY WITH YOUR FEAR!” That’s what I’m doin’ and WE are going to have a good ole’ time.

Once I started doing this, the FEAR turned into PURE excitement. Then FEAR, then EXCITEMENT, back to FEAR and around and about to EXCITEMENT!! Woo-hoo! Sounds like a party to me! (Guess what? I’m still here.)

Is there SOMETHING YOU HAVE BEEN AFRAID TO DO!? Perhaps you have been telling yourself the story, I am not good enough, I don’t deserve that, I couldn’t possibly do X, Y, Z.

Now is the time EFF THAT! Now is the time to step into, feel it, PAR-TAY with it, and take some mother ‘effin action!


TELL ME what you are committed to doing this month that scares the BAJESUS outta ya!? Accountability is king!

Leave a comment on the blog! (HINT: The first SCARY thing you can do is TELL ME THE BIG SCARY THING YOU ARE GOING TO DO, cause I know you are thinkin’, WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK OF MY BIG SCARY THING?!?!)


I just committed to performing a scene night through my acting studio. (I love the intimacy of working on camera, so doing live theater is super scary, cause I haven’t done it in like 3 years!)


I am going to check in with you each week to make sure you are keepin’ your word.


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  1. Greg Paul says:

    I am going to land a recurring speaking role in a
    new series pilot being shot here in NYC.
    (Already auditioned for a BIG one!)
    I am going to land a core regular job on a current
    working series and will be steadily employed in the entertainment industry for the remainder of the year.

  2. Erin says:

    I love it, Greg! Have you got some clear actions that you are taking? Do they make you shake in your boots a little? Take it to mean you are up to something BIG! Go get ’em!

    Keep us posted!


  3. Okay, this was a seriously AWESOME post. You got me all worked up and excited! And YES, I am totally experiencing the FEAR that comes with launching my website! Thanks for sharing this post! xo

  4. Lisa Van Ahn says:

    I created a self-defense through self-empowerment seminar that I am taking into schools…get this, my dream is…NATIONWIDE!

    I just got all my promotional packets printed and every time I look at them I shake in my sneeks (sorry Erin, no high heeled boots for this girl).

    On Friday I am going to cold call schools until I book a meeting with a principal or school director or ACTUALLY BOOK A SEMINAR OVER THE PHONE! Now that is just plain sky level thinking and would be magical manifesting.

    Can you see me do the fear shake from over here? Wait now it is excitement…oops back to fear…over and over! Your blog rang true to my heart center. Thanks for your guidance and I love the accountability.


    • Erin says:

      Go Mama! This is fantastic!! Will you check back in and let me know how it goes?

      When you make that call, just feeeel the tingling, excitement and party on with it!

      Thanks for sharing this!


  5. Sara Goff says:

    YEAH LADY!!! Feeling it!
    So you know I’m already prepping for the big scary-exciting audition Monday, and tonight I FOCKED THE FEAR – BUT tomorrow I’m taking it farther. I’ve been saying I’m “almost” ready for the right signed legit agent relationship for YEARS, but always almost – after I have the monologue, book another job, etc etc. I have monologues NOW. So tomorrow night I’m revisiting Actor’s Connection (that’s right!) to meet Michael Kirsten, an agent on my top 10 of interest list… and I will ROCK IT.

    • Erin says:

      Sorry I missed your brilliance last night, but I am so proud of you, Sara! I feel your enthusiasm, it’s contagious!

      Let me know how it goes w/ Michael! Yes, you WILL rock it. Rock it and Fock it.


      • Sara Goff says:

        Hey E!!!

        It went GREAT, truly truly great. Michael really liked the piece for me, said I was a wonderful actor, asked lots of questions and was very encouraging about me being “back” from my time of yoga/fundraising focus. Sincerely asked that I keep in touch re: Steppenwolf and other progress in the next few months. Overall, a great experience and perfect rehearsal for Monday. xo, Love ya!

  6. I feel your anxieties, Erin. I find it so hard to vibe with the energy that being shit-scared bring about, but I know this will be the secret to my success, and my commitment to getting my new site up by NEXT WEEK! Thanks for the post x

    • Erin says:

      Next week!? Woah! I can’t wait see it! Yes, let’s keep vibin’ the energy and gettin’ sh*# DONE! woo-hoo!

  7. Hey girl! Fantastic post! You have me all pumped up. I am totally feelin’ the FEAR at times with re-launching my coaching practice. Moving from general weight loss clients to athletes and active women (with even, oh geez, I am going to put it out there, vegan and vegetarian diets). I just realized by trying to not play small, that I love those people and I want them in my tribe. I also get this extreme excitement building up in my body; this excited feeling in my gut. So I am going to ride through the fear and get this done! Thanks for the super motivating post, Erin. xx

    • Erin says:

      Oooh, loooving the direction you are taking with your practice. Sounds like you are finding your groove Mrs. Consiglio Ryan! (btw, i could totally use help figuring out what I can eat vegan/vegetarian, so there is def a need for it)

      I am actually beginning to LIKE that feeling that rises up. It really is about getting comfortable with being UNCOMFORTABLE!

      Go Lisa!

  8. jean says:

    Hey Erin~Could so relate to your post as I was having similar feelings after AMM Santa Monica…but with a few ‘I’m backs’ and ‘This is what I wants!’, I feel myself getting back on track and ‘partying’ with the fear!

    This was great!



  9. Erin says:

    Thanks Jean:) I just saw your meditation post, I am about to go check out what you put together. Congratulations, btw!


  10. Heather says:

    Great post Erin – you hit the nail right on the head! Definitely always battling with my fear and self-doubt demons when something big is about to happen! Right now I’m dealing with fear around offering my new 21-Day coaching program – do people really want this? will they even get it? does anyone even care?
    Thanks for reminding me it’s normal and to keep “partying with it” and move forward.

    • Erin says:

      Yes Chile! Keep on creating it. If you build it, they will come:) I do believe this, especially if it comes from a place of wanting to help and serve as you so brilliantly mentioned the other day:)

  11. THANK YOU for this kick ass post E!I am going in today for my dream role on Bway and gonna SERVE it, even with the fear/excitement bubbling inside me! That’s what fuels us and shows that we care, right? Here’s to being ALIVE and achieving our DREAMS!! XOX Cristy

  12. Karie says:

    GF – You are speaking my language! I about peed myself on the flight back home with those same self-limiting thoughts. We have to remember that when we start talking all that BS, we are ROBBING others of our gifts.

    Go on with your bad self!

  13. Joanne says:

    How interesting that your post about FEAR is exactly what I’m feeling right now! I’m in the process of studying for an exam that I am going to take for the 2nd time so I can become a tour guide in Savannah where I will be able to earn some money this summer!! Its been awhile since I’ve had an interesting job that created financial abundance for me so I am really ready for this job … however, the fear is taking over … what if I don’t pass (have 2 more chances) – why did I leave NYC, what am I supposed to do with my life!!

    HOWEVER… as we all know — this is just a moment of passing doubt and I HAVE THE ABILITY & STRENGTH to move through this FEAR and find the WARRIOR in me to PAsS MY TEST!!

    I am so grateful to receive your emails and to be able to share my story and read others stories — we’re not alone!
    Our combined energies really do make it easier for all us — me included!

    magic passion love & FEARLESSNESS!

    • Erin says:

      Joanne- I know you r creating Magic with your Passion ALL. THE. TIME. You do indeed have all that you mentioned. Can’t wait to see where ya land!
      Here’s to FEARLESSNESS!

  14. Augusta says:

    I literally knew about almost all of this, but in spite of this, I still assumed it had been practical. Sweet work!

  15. Jazz says:

    Have Sacred Feminine Dance Project tight and ready to role…

  16. Lindsay says:

    I love this post and I LOVE what you’re doing!!! I’m bringing my blog to the people after asking for help from a marketing bigwig I know (He said YES and that he’s HAPPY to help!). I am auditioning again and checking Backstage daily! I have an accountability partner on the ACTING front. I am pitching major publications as a freelance writer in a number of topic areas. What else has me shaky scared? OH, I am renewing my passport in anticipation of GLOBAL TROTTING, beginning with going to Tuscany this summer. It’s my first overseas trip in 10 years because I used to be too afraid to fly. Finally, my stilletto sized high heeled inducing fear is that I am being more assertive and smiley with men I find adorable, now that I am single. I used to always wait to be approached but that’s a little too Flinstones for me. Thanks, I’m posting your blog to my peeps! Xo

  17. Laura Baran says:

    Erin you’re a total inspiration. I just sealed & stamped the envelope with a check to file forms for Arts & Dreams to become a nonprofit. So scary that i put it off for many months. Whoa. And I made a professional looking proposal for another workshop at a school — and emailed it out! Scary too! But feels amazing to have done. I could get used to this…
    thanks for your leadership and grace.
    Love you!

    • Erin says:

      WOW. This is fantastic, LB. I know how important it is to you, so this is a HUGE loving action towards your Dreams. Non-profit, baby!

  18. Molly says:

    I am going to book an out of NYC summer acting gig!

  19. Lisa Van Ahn says:

    My update:
    Man, Friday was a long day….Over 65 calls made. 63 vmsgs left. AND 2 MEETINGS BOOKED! Cold calling is brutal. However, this is my dream and I am not giving up that easy. Over the next couple weeks I have 2 meetings in schools. I also have gotten 3 call backs from vm I left, from principals that would like to meet up with me. Onward and upward! Erin, thanks for inspiring us to jump into the fear. Love ya girl!

  20. Jean says:

    I just quir my job to start my own company, this is scarying the BAJESUS outta me! Great read, Erin. Thanks

  21. Jessbuurman says:

    Great blog. Keep it up.

  22. angella says:

    nice ..just love this..thanx for sharing with us

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