Put Yourself First, Have More Energy, and Feel Great…in 30 Days!

You CAN Put Yourself First,
Even With Limited Time

Are you struggling to get started moving?
Are you tired (in general!) and tired of trying to stay consistent with movement?
Do you find it difficult to make time for yourself?
Have you found it extremely difficult to keep up the motivation and daily habit?

I’ve been there, my friend, and I want you to know that change is possible!

By putting one foot in front of the other, you can elevate your mind, body, and spirit in a simple, doable way…in just 30 days.

These real people took less than a month to gain the energy, health, and vibrancy they were missing!

  • They moved their bodies even when they were “dead” tired.
  • They regained physical and mental strength they thought was gone forever.
  • Their confidence and courage to take on new challenges increased.
  • Spending just 15 minutes on themselves improved their mood like nothing else.
  • They didn’t have the stress of having to travel to and from the gym. Yuck!

Hear it from people who have grown to love themselves as much as they love to stroll!

I did Soul Stroll one and two yesterday, and volume two again today. I’m amazed!! I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’ve loved the concept of your work for so long, but have never used it. I was blown away by how powerful the Soul Strolls were! I want more! They’re so energizing and beautiful. Thank you so much for this wonderful work!

— Molly

I find the soul strolls are the only exercise I can “make” myself do even when I’m dead tired. I really love them because I can tell myself “just go outside and take a few steps, even if you only take a few steps, it’s fine when you’re this tired.” But as soon as I hear the music and then the mantras, I feel better and more energized. After about 5 minutes I’m dancing, after 10 minutes I’m dancing with some energy and before I know it I’ve completed the whole audio

— Cathy

OMG that Soul Stroll!! don’t get me wrong I love the workouts but I think those soulstrolls are a stroke of genius!! Something about moving your body along to the mantras, outside, is amazing! The first time I listen to them I often get some kind of insight that magically spurs from inside of me.

— Lucia

I love the soul strolls! I feel like there has been some dramatic changes in me since I’ve started listening to them. They have a way of energizing and motivating me like nothing else.

— Des

I’m so incredibly grateful to Erin and the Soul Stroll team. This is more than just a walking meditation, this is so empowering and it brings anyone listening to a high, positive place where all good things are attracted to one. Erin has made a huge positive contribution to humanity and this planet and it continues to spread and create all kinds of great things from her work.

— Melissa

My biggest AHA moment was when I felt how much my mood and my energy level increased by just spending a half hour doing my soul stroll each day. Life definitely perked up for me, I was much more optimistic and mentally prepared to take on the health challenges I still had left to deal with.

— Tara

It’s possible for you too! You just need the right plan!

Introducing: Take A Walk on The Bright Side: Put Yourself First, Have More Energy, and Feel Great… in 30 Days!

Using daily walks with powerful mantras and uplifting music, along with some short, doable workouts, this journey will help give you the motivation and mental clarity you’re craving!

Most “exercise” programs are hard to follow because the workouts aren’t inspiring or engaging. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 15 years of teaching, it’s that we have to be mentally and emotionally engaged in our movement practice, otherwise, it will never stick.

During our time together, I’m going to help you shift your perception around movement. AKA It’s SO MUCH EASIER than you think! To be healthy doesn’t require hours at the gym or even lifting heavy weights!

Studies show that a little movement every day actually has a HUGE impact on both your mental and physical well-being. That’s exactly what we will do together. Small steps. Big progress. Easy does it.

How it Works

Once you join the program, I’ll guide you through a brief orientation to get you set up for 30 days of transformation. We’ll be starting on Oct. 2, 2023, but you will have access to begin anytime you like, and this will be yours to keep!

Download my mobile app and get access to the assigned daily Soul Strolls, workouts, and meditations to make massive progress in just 4 weeks. The planning is all done for you. Just follow along, one day at a time.

When the 30 days are up, you’ll see how easy and beneficial it was to carve out a little time for yourself, and you’ll be feeling like a million bucks! We’ll celebrate your success and set you up for a lifetime of easy movement going forward!


Aside from the incredible high you will feel from strolling, there are a few special free gifts that will up your manifesting game and bring peace and calm into your life.


Calm + relax the mind and body with this simple visualization meditation. Perfect to help you fall asleep.



Clear out unwanted, negative, heavy energy with this elevating 20-minute workout.


Learn my 4-step process to manifesting whatever you want in this 45-minute coaching workshop.

Hear it from people who have grown to love themselves as much as they love to stroll!

I did Soul Stroll one and two yesterday, and volume two again today. I’m amazed!! I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’ve loved the concept of your work for so long, but have never used it. I was blown away by how powerful the Soul Strolls were! I want more! They’re so energizing and beautiful. Thank you so much for this wonderful work!

— Molly

I find the soul strolls are the only exercise I can “make” myself do even when I’m dead tired. I really love them because I can tell myself “just go outside and take a few steps, even if you only take a few steps, it’s fine when you’re this tired.” But as soon as I hear the music and then the mantras, I feel better and more energized. After about 5 minutes I’m dancing, after 10 minutes I’m dancing with some energy and before I know it I’ve completed the whole audio

— Cathy

OMG that Soul Stroll!! don’t get me wrong I love the workouts but I think those soulstrolls are a stroke of genius!! Something about moving your body along to the mantras, outside, is amazing! The first time I listen to them I often get some kind of insight that magically spurs from inside of me.

— Lucia

I love the soul strolls! I feel like there has been some dramatic changes in me since I’ve started listening to them. They have a way of energizing and motivating me like nothing else.

— Des

I’m so incredibly grateful to Erin and the Soul Stroll team. This is more than just a walking meditation, this is so empowering and it brings anyone listening to a high, positive place where all good things are attracted to one. Erin has made a huge positive contribution to humanity and this planet and it continues to spread and create all kinds of great things from her work.

— Melissa

My biggest AHA moment was when I felt how much my mood and my energy level increased by just spending a half hour doing my soul stroll each day. Life definitely perked up for me, I was much more optimistic and mentally prepared to take on the health challenges I still had left to deal with.

— Tara

Here’s What You Get

A Total Self-Care Movement Plan for One Affordable Investment

8 Soul Strolls (15 min – 30 min long)
These inspiring audio-only soundtracks packed with vibrant music and mantras are the core of this program and my most popular way to move!

4 5-Minute Workouts
These workouts are designed to get you quickly out of your head and into your body with little effort.

4 Gentle Stretching Routines
Stretching is underrated! These routines help get energy flowing and put your mind at ease.

Done-for-you Calendar and Schedule
Ditch trying to figure anything out! You can follow this calendar so you’ll know exactly what to do and when.

Community for Accountability and Support
Rely on our world-class platform to stay in touch and get guidance and encouragement when you need it!

Accountability Tracker
Staying on track is easier when you have a place where you can measure your progress day-to-day, write down your reflections, and get a boost of inspiration. This tracker will keep you grounded and motivated so you can stay consistent.



The Soul Strolls and bonus workouts are yours to keep. This is a non-refundable purchase.

Hey, there… Erin here

More than 10 years ago, in a tiny studio in NYC amongst close friends, I experimented with the concept of movement, dance, mantras and mindfulness workouts, all rolled into one. We did a ton of creative goal setting, too.

The changes I began to see in myself and my students amazed me. From a dramatic increase in happiness and satisfaction to a significant decrease in self-doubt and anxiety — and a more powerful body (bonus!) — we were hooked.

I’ve now been fortunate to bring this unique blend of fitness and mindfulness to people like you in more than 135 countries around the world through my personal brand and programs, as the best-selling author of Mantras in Motion, and as the award-winning cohost of Z Living’s Altar’d.

It’s not about a moment; it’s a movement. In fact, I believe it’s the future of wellness.

And you, my friend, play an important role.

You might think your personal or physical goal is out of reach — but through the power of mindful movement, you’ll learn that no dream is too big when you strengthen and trust the power of your body, mind, and soul.

The best person to help you design the body and life you want is YOU. But here, I’ll not only show you how…I’ll be right behind you, empowering you to make it happen.

“If you want movement in your life, you need movement in your body. Well, couple that with Erin’s teachings and you will literally become unstoppable.”

© 2023 Erin Stutland International. All Rights Reserved.