End procrastination! 
An original, inspiring soundtrack of music and mantras to move you into ACTION!

You Were Made For This Time!

My darling dear, I want you to know that you were made for this time in our history.

You have the heart, the intelligence and the tools to do great things for yourself and the people around you. 

You are not missing anything. 
You are not lacking in any way.

You have a choice of whether you want to focus on past mistakes or keep your eyes on creating a future that is filled with joy. 
This doesn’t mean that things will always be easy, but you do have the ability to focus your attention on where you WANT TO GO, not where you have been. 

But in order to move into a future that matches your vision for yourself, there is one simple thing you must do. And you must do it over and over again.


The Soul Stroll Single is regularly $19, but for a
limited time, get it for $15.

The Soul Stroll Single is an energizing 30-minute soundtrack of originally selected music and never-before-heard mantras that are designed to help you TAKE ACTION and MOVE FORWARD in any area that is holding you back. 

Download or stream it immediately upon purchase.

I had big results from a quadruple Soul Stroll session in one day! I ended up booking a huge client. A few days later, I was mentally Soul Strolling, repeating the mantras, when I was physically standing right in front of them. I called it all in and actually made an even larger profit only moments later from my service to them! 
​~ Mary Carol

Your mantras are perfect for me right now and help me take my life one day at a time. I have a lot of goodness going on around me, but I am making things heavier and harder than they need to be. I am really trying to get serious about creating the life that feels best for me... because this year I turn 49. one more year till the big 5-0! I want the second half of my life to begin with ease and clarity. I've done big things in my life, but now I’m struggling with what to do next and how to do it. I'll keep Soul Strolling my way through the day!
~ Denese

With the Soul Stroll and your new mantras that fit perfectly with my situation, I WILL NOT sabotage myself and my happiness! Great things are happening in my life right now and I always have a tendency to think it's too good to be true, something will go wrong, etc. because I think that I don't deserve it! I used the Soul Stroll today to go for a walk and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it! I am worth it and I deserve it!!

I'm coaching you through every step!

​You cannot sit on your bum and wait. You must rise up, and you must take one small step each day. 

     “But Erin, I don’t know what actions to take to move me towards what I want.” 

Let me tell you a little secret. 

When you take one tiny step forward, you are then standing in a new place. 

From this new place, you will have a new perspective. 

When you have a new perspective, you will have new ideas—because you will be seeing new things. From here, an idea for your next action will be presented.

As the great Martin Luther King said, “You don’t need to see the whole staircase, you just need to take the first step.” 

Presenting Soul Stroll Single:
The Magic of Taking Action!

Yes, I do believe that magic happens when we take a step forward. Then a few more. 

I believe providence begins to open when we decide that we are willing to put in the work, while of course holding steady to our faith.



The Soul Stroll Single is normally $19, but for a
limited time, it's ONLY $15.

The Soul Stroll Single is an energizing 30-minute soundtrack of originally selected music and never-before-heard mantras that are designed to help you TAKE ACTION and MOVE FORWARD in any area that is holding you back.  

Download or stream it immediately upon purchase.
